High sec relic/ data/ combat site ship help please

Well, lucky thing I spent most of my exploration time in Minmatar space running Angel Exploration sites, especially since I’m Minmatar and used a T3 Loki Cruiser.

As for the High Sec sites, I accessed both Angel Watch and Vigil sites with T3 Cruiser. It’s been a while since I did exploration so I don’t remember if T3 Cruiser could access Angel Lookout sites, think I ran those with Force Recon Cruiser.

Anyway, I usually found a lot more Watch and Vigil sites than DED sites, I kept a lot of Frigates stashed all over the place to quickly run low level sites when I found them, also kept a Force Recon Cruiser and a Command Ship close by for any DED 3/10 and 4/10 sites I’d find. Not to mention run the Hacking sites and Landmark Beacons too so I definitely wasn’t limiting myself to just 50% by using a T3 Cruiser…

So the wormholes dont move? I can BM them as I find them to just go back to them whenever I want? Is it the same for complexes you have to scan down and dont appear once you enter the system? Can I just BM them?

So I can look for combat anomolies sites in a HAC or T3D in high sec? Is the cynabal a pve ship? I cant seem to find any current fittings for it? Would anyone have one?

Orthrus is crazy expensive so for my caldari Ill look at either the jackdaw or the cerebus.

Yes, once you scan something to 100%, you can just bookmark it’s location. For example to use later or with ship that don’t have probes. Of course, stuff despawn over time (afik lifetime of different wh’s range from 16h to 36h if not forced to colapse), people run sites, even roll wormholes etc.

I personally don’t scan to 100% stuff that I don’t need. For example, if signature is recognized as wormhole, data or relic site etc. I just make random bookmark just with signature “tag” (ex. NXY - wh). That way, when traveling around or simply relogging. I don’t need to scan same stuff again and only focus on new signatures that spawn. When jumping to a system I just compare my bookmarks with probe window and ignore what I already have bookmarked. Or remove bookmarks for signatures that already despawned. It’s bit of a chore but pays off in long run.

Another pro tip: press “L” it will show small window with all bookmarks in system you are in.

Definitely. If you are new to this content. I strongly advise cruiser (HAC in this case). While T3D work, they are paper thin. If you don’t know each site, trigers etc. they can easily pop when making mistakes.

It’s mainly used in PvP but due to it’s bonuses it works for that content. This is the fit I used against serpentis/guristas


[Cynabal, *Magot DED Serpentis]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Thermal Shield Hardener II
Kinetic Shield Hardener II
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

425mm Medium ‘Scout’ Autocannon I
425mm Medium ‘Scout’ Autocannon I
425mm Medium ‘Scout’ Autocannon I
425mm Medium ‘Scout’ Autocannon I
Core Probe Launcher I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer II
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II

Hobgoblin I x10

Phased Plasma M x5605
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16

HAM cerberus would definitely work. Still, since it don’t have utility high slot, you gonna need to trade one launcher for probe launcher. If you want to do scanning on same ship.

That being said. My strongest advice would be, to get some experience first. You seams to lean towards missiles. Grab cheap caracal (you can speed tank most of the content) and get to know sites. You don’t need anything else. Pirate or T2 ships are just faster but not mandatory. After few trips you will get your own ideas how to fit ships that will work for you.

Again, any T1 cruiser should be able to clear sites without any serious issue. What I provide is my personal opinion and ships that simply, I like to fly. Pick what will give you most fun out of time spent.

ps. Many of drone, scanned and escalation sites will point and web you. Be prepared if you want to run them.

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