Posted it and it was ignored like 2 seconds later, that’s some anxsty butthurt right there.
Why would you hate to say that? Did I do anything bad to you?
Dude, get an education. Maybe then you’ll learn what fallacies are and not throw the words around without understanding the concepts.
I just hate to agree with counter-revolutionaries like yourself, but you make me, Knowledgeminer,
you make me.
Let’s start a gofundme to get Anderson a freshman-level intro to Speech textbook so he can finally understand fallacies.
Let me get this straight… Are you assuming that if I don’t feel compassion for players losing their ships in a spaceship shooting game that must mean I don’t feel compassion for whatever bad happens to people in RL either, and hence there must be something wrong with me? Or are you claiming that even if I feel compassion in RL, there is still something wrong with the fact itself of not feeling compassion in a spaceship shooting game? Or is it something else I’m not getting here?
Would the fact that I feel for them the same that I feel when I lose a ship myself make a difference or doesn’t that matter?
No, more like a game is not RL, and hence people shouldn’t suffer from losses in a spaceship shooting game the same way they would in RL to begin with…
You don’t know what you’re talking about, do you? Is this something you saw written somewhere and are reproducing here or did you come up with it all by yourself?
Now, you are assuming a lot of things here, such as that I lack empathy and whatnot. Is this something you infer from the mere fact that I don’t feel sorry for players losing their ship in a spaceship shooting game, regardless of whether I feel the same for myself or what I would feel if it happened in RL? If my lack of compassion in a game implies I don’t have empathy, where does the compassion I feel in RL come from?
What? You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and what I do in game, do you? I mean, it’s not that difficult to check. Don’t you see anything wrong with making such wild assumptions and not care at all whether they’re true or not? Don’t you see that as an indication that maybe it’s you who has a problem here?
I agree, you are a monster, you one-shotted my Catalyst. That proves you are a bad person IRL.
Something, something causation
Serious quote mining is serious!
This thread is seriously salvoshed.
You realize that @Knowledgeminer is one of the only successful anti-gankers who kills suicide gankers in highsec?
It is so brave of you that you stand up for the always hated highsec ganker minority and tell this guy that we have feelings too and deserve to be treated like there is a human behind the display. Thank you for your compassion.
Are people who over-zealously use the flag option on this forum sanctioned?
If not, they should be.
I believe that the ISD team are aware of the flag function being abused, I asked @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode what the official policy was on it, the reply was “don’t”.
Unfortunately the ISD team don’t have access to a /kickban function, they can only bring abuse to the attention of what’s left of the community team for further action.
Except that the forum rules specifically forbid the content that some of the flagged posts contain.
Therefore it is a correct use of the flag function.
I won’t link those rules for you, I know you know how to search for them.
Several post containing the same thing is what is called SPAM.
Posts containing only judgemental opinions and no constructive participation are what is called PERSONAL ATTACK.
I guess that’s why most of the posts here are flagged. And many of them I would flag myself (but only one person can flag).
uh…no. the current security standing system is fine.
The glass in the picture contains the tears of all the carebears who constantly cry about how “brutal” and “unfair” highsec is. Sorry man its just stupid.
Oh. It’s self policed then. Thanks.
Dissenting opinion is not forbidden by the forum rules.
Therefore it is a correct use of the flag function.
Flagging posts that disagree with you is NOT a correct use of the flag function.
I won’t link those rules for you, I know you know how to search for them.
I don’t need to search for them, I already know what the rules are.
Several post containing the same thing is what is called SPAM.
You’re as guilty of this as anybody else.
Posts containing only judgemental opinions and no constructive participation are what is called PERSONAL ATTACK.
That’s entirely subjective, you appear to think that anybody that dares to disagree with you is launching a personal attack; this is not so.
You need to check your ego.
I guess that’s why most of the posts here are flagged. And many of them I would flag myself (but only one person can flag).
Despite your protest to the contrary I suspect you’re the one that flagged them.
And I did not claim it was.
Yet I still have to flag some of your posts where you appear to be disagreeing with me, therefore proving the opposite of your opinion.
I recommend listening to this Talking in Stations episode for insight to the complexity of hisec ganking.
Exactly. An alt of mine lost an explorer ship full of loot docking at Jita- never made the mistake of transporting goods to trade hubs in fragile ships again.
Knowing this, you’ve already supplied the answer of preparing an Insta. I also use tanky ships that would cost too much to one-shot for the isk value of cargo carried. These risk mitigations aren’t that hard.
The bison were purposefully exterminated to remove the native’s food source, thus indirectly exterminating the natives: inapt analogy.
Yet you treat dissenting opinion as offensive and while the identity of people who flag posts is unknown some of the evidence suggests that you are flagging such posts.
Yet I still have to flag some of your posts where you appear to be disagreeing with me, therefore proving the opposite of your opinion.
As above, there is no way of knowing who flags posts, though posts that disagree with you seem to mysteriously get flagged.
Am considering flagging my own posts to make them seem “edgier”.…
I’ve done that before, generally because I’m knowingly bending the rules to make a point.
No, I didn’t imply it either, you’re lying again.
Which part of the sentence you quoted being an explanation and me showing you what the explanation was about did you not understand? Do you need me to explain to you what an explanation is too?
LOL. What a bunch of nonsense and yet more lies. Where have I complained that you don’t answer all my sentences?
The arguments I make when I reply to you are to refute yours, yes, of course, unlike you, that dodge mine all the time instead, but so what? What does that have to do with you lying about me having claimed or implied something I didn’t?
No, my argument is that you don’t know what a strawman is because your definition, your example, and the use you make of the term are ALL wrong. Precisely the definition is the only one of those things that, as I said in a previous post already, I wouldn’t mind much being wrong if you made a correct use of the term in practice, which you don’t.
Moreover, I wouldn’t mind much your usage of the term either if it wasn’t because you use it to behave like a jerk, so if you’re gonna do that you better make sure you know what you’re talking about and use it correctly, which you don’t.
You keep confusing not being able to understand why your definition is wrong with it being correct…
Not sure what that means. What am I cherry picking? Feel free to provide additional samples cherry picked by you of whatever it is that you’re talking about now…
LOL. What? Me choosing the Wikipedia definition is “proof” of my dishonesty? You sure? Or what is it that you’re babbling about now?
I’d like to remind you of this, btw:
You’re still dodging it…
LOL. Someone tell that poor ISD that has to unflag all the posts one by one all the time that they had been correctly flagged. He seems to not have realised yet…
She guesses… And would… but didn’t…