High Sec Struggles for the NewBro

Risk in eve usually means risk of pvp. Which is not repetitive as each player is trying to out adapt the other.

But also if there is no content in hi-sec that is ‘best of all’ then it encourages players to diversify. Your very attachment to EC’s is in itself an admission that you weren’t thinking of trying other content. And thats a bad thing.

Why? Just go on that char Sabius. I mean Pyter. Sorry, definitely Pyter and NOT Sabius. My bad.

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Join BRAVE, get books and ships for free, go out there and do relic sites. Join the standing fleet and you are good to go.


What I said what that ECs were a means to an end. Consistent way to reach a bank roll target I have in mind. From other posts that approach was called into question, fair enough. I have a target in mind, just a lesson learned playing poker. For me just basic bank roll management.

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As long as you apologize, I accept. Thanks bro!

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As long as you apologize I accept bro.

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Constructive advice. Thank you.


Another constructive post. Thank you.


That logic I can follow.

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I am not a PvP’er so for me, risk is all about being a sneaky bugger to make ISK under the noses of PvP’ers. Ninja mining, LS hauling, Thera exploration, etc…

I’m pretty boring but still manage to make my own fun…to each their own. The key is to enjoy what you do and have variety.

Wow @Sabus_Narian must be living rent free in your head. To be constructive, I would recommend a copy of this book. https://www.amazon.com/Subtle-Art-Not-Giving-Counterintuitive/dp/0062457713

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I see your point here.


I’ve yet to see any teaching of the game going on from Incompetent and Proud. What I’ve seen is a lot of defeatist cynicism.

Go join then and see for yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

The reason everyone’s treating them with hostility is because they are taking on new bros and telling them that they can’t do anything and everything is wrong with the game.

Possibly trying to brainwash newbros and use them to lobby for bad game changes.

Nope we are one of the only groups advocating for a better highsec, which in your eyes means pure evil.

No one would recommend them but themselves.

lol you are very wrong, no bittervet would recommend us yes.

You have no idea because you’re farmer trash and an idiot.

Only bittervets are trash, good news is people like you keep quitting the game and the game is better for it.

Making things easier by increasing the profit of zero-risk farming turns success into a participation trophy. Winning only has value if you overcome obstacles to achieve your victory, if CCP just hands everyone easy farming wealth then being rich just means that you logged in and collected your reward. And when you remove the value of achievements you remove the incentive to keep playing, killing the game.

Wrong, meaningful achievements still will be a thing, like make a successful nullsec alliance that owns sov etc.

Unfortunately short-sighted farmer trash like you don’t understand this concept. All you can see is how fast your wallet number is increasing, with no concern for the long-term health of the game.

Tell me, when bittervets quit the game, the game gets better, why is this?

Care to quantify that? Oh wait, you can’t…just more sad opinions from a no-skill noob that can’t even fit a ship properly yet.

Care to quantify that? Oh wait, you can’t…just more sad opinions from a no-skill noob that can’t even fit a ship properly yet.

lol ok bittervet

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