High-Sec suicide ganking loot protection

I’m all for ganking but I think suicide ganking should be treated differently in HS.
Like a protection timer on the loot to where it can’t be salvaged or looted by other players.

Died in the middle of me docking in .9 HS.
Immediately went back out to loot, but it was already gone.

I’m trying to brush it off, but it was literally the biggest haul I’ve ever had being new and it’s feeling hard to go back.

I agree

CCP thought otherwise and instead of making it harder to loot you, they boosted the loot from 50% drops to 90% drops this month. Be careful when you haul, it’s a lot more profitable to kill you the next weeks.

Destroying ships and looting the wrecks is part of EVE and I very much doubt it’s going to change. While NPCs won’t loot your ship so if you die to NPCs you can probably get your wreck back, players will use any opportunity to loot in any part of space, it’s all part of the game!

If you don’t want to get looted, try not to die. :wink:


Don’t you think that the mistake of doing that during a 90% loot drop event where all gankers go rampage is more on you than on game design? And that it would have been a good idea to do some research about how to protect your “biggest haul ever” in case someone would try to rob you? (Hint: Instadock Bookmarks…)…

It’s always easy to demand changes for problems you could have easily solved on your own.


It has happened to me too that I got killed while docking. Usually because I was lazy and blindly warped to the structure to dock instead of warping at a place where people weren’t trying to snipe me.

If you warp to a bookmark well within the docking radius of the structure away from the usual warp-in point and instantly dock the moment you arrive, people will have no way to shoot you. You can make it even safer by turning on autopilot (the only good use of autopilot) while in warp to the bookmark so that you automatically dock even if you somehow lag.

People have outsmarted and looted you. You can outsmart them by being prepared and by using the tools the game has.


I could have left it there, but…

Some good advice has been given. If you follow it, you’ll reduce your chances of being ganked again.

The whole point is that it is looted by other players. Your transporting cargo is less important then your wrecked ship and salvaged modules.
You provided content and value to other players. Congratulations, and forget the timer.

Don’t haul. Don’t be other players’ pinata and when you do need to transport stuff do it in 450m3 ship… I find it better to sell the stuff than try to haul it around the galaxy only to lose it anyway.
Welcome to EVE.


I’m not going to give away the play styles I learned the hard way anymore. Players bitched at me for that in the past.

No. Yellow boxes are for everyone.
I like your yellow boxes a lot.

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You make the Frostpacker sad…


Look frosty has zero friends and he tries to make friends in new Eden but they keep avoiding roleplay

That’s only 8.3 bil ISK per month. Not worth the effort. :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiling_imp: :innocent: :popcorn:

Anymore then I would not be able to support my miner addiction

/this pilot is not make believe and I really think might had found a new friend

And he knows something about loot hat NPC drop.

Do this will be a win win :grin:

///cause sometimes I create new pilots just to add a friend to my contacts and then send that new pilot isk to hope they stay friends.

So you choose mining over your future friend? No wonder nobody takes up on your offer. :popcorn:


Don’t blame me just block me as this is all @Uriel_the_Flame fault for that constant pinging me here to a secret part of the forums.

Aiko already did that. :innocent:

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That will change, just waiting for Princess to come around.
Am sure she knows the value in being friends with Frosty.

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The loss sucks and I understand the feeling of not wanting to go out again. I can only state that this was your biggest haul up till now. You will get bigger hauls in the future.

There has been some good advice and you can always use a transport service like red frog to make sure that the stuff is moved for you and if the transport gets blown up or fails the delivery, the collateral fee will be yours so you still end up ahead.

The price people pay for the gank with their ship destruction and the penalty for taking stuff that you have no rights to is going suspect. Making them fair game for everyone with a itching trigger finger.

Not here to make Frosty happy! :wink: