High Sec the New Renter's Space

Working as intended.

I agree with you, Dracvlad shits up every thread hes in. Should have been banned/muted years ago

hahaha look at the crybaby and his crybaby friends flag my post, I seriously dont know how you arenā€™t banned with how many times a day you abuse the flag mechanic @Dracvlad

which is even more funny with how you were crying about other people doing it to you :rofl:


Havenā€™t collected the stats for a while, but POCOs have traditionally been a large driver of conflict in highsec.

Lastā€™s years stats for example of all structure loss in the game:

In the time I was collecting stats (from the start of 2015), more POCOs have been killed in highsec than all other structures combined.

2016 and 2017 graphs by structure type:

The more destruction the better though in my view. I love this direction, if larger groups are going to start renting highsec space for structures. Player driven content - the more the better.


Iā€™m wondering if we are missing a great opportunity here.
Perhaps the ā€œstructure in spaceā€ concept is too ham-handed.
Maybe every corp should put a structure in space, but being deccable or not depends on how shootable they want that structure.
So for example, if you donā€™t want to be decced, then your structure is freely shootable by anybody for any reason, no Concord in highsec. Like an MTU for example.
Or if you donā€™t want it shot at by every Joe in a Corvette, then you get protection from the system of law and order - but then you can be decced. Meaning all of your assets in space - ships particularly in this concept - are up for grabs.
Would certainly lend itself well to ā€œsecretā€ bases and such. Give structures a ā€œDeep Safeā€ bookmark exception. Make deep space probing a thing again.
Lots of content to be had there. No?

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The suspect flag is an awful thing in larger engagements.

With your idea:
A gang of 10 battleships shoot a structure. The owners respond with a group of 5 battleships (a significantly smaller force). The 10 battleships canā€™t engage the smaller gang, but the 5 battleships can engage the larger suspect gang one at a time. So rather than having a big fight between two gangs, you have 10x 5v1 fights.

2018 has seen an acceleration in terms of the destruction of structures in hisec, a simple perusal of the killboard will indicate that.

I do my indy using NPC stations as I dabble for objective based play so I am not looking to maximise my time, however were I to start doing indy properly having structures or access to them would be a requirement and I would be quite open to helping defend those that offer me a decent rate and good bonuses.

At this point I want the structure spam to be thinned out so I can tell who is active and worthwhile helping, which is why I have dropped an alt into an alliance that is blowing them up in my neck of the woods.

There is no concern from me over nullsec alliances moving in on hisec as it is content and their attention span is dependent on their wars in nullsec and elsewhere. What CCP needs to do however is create structures that are more fit for purpose in hisec being smaller cheaper and jack of all trades with decent bonuses.


Lol man! What happened? Vacation does wonders?
Just like month ago all i have seen from you were posts full of insults (stupid carebears, tears, salt, calm down miner, those AGs!, etc), name calling and such. And now you are paging Falcon when you get the same treatment?


Iā€™m not talking about structures, the players themselves and their ships. you feckin knew thatā€™s what i meant.

no itā€™s fecking not, hahahahaha wow i waste my time on people like you.

If what you mean and what you write are two different things, donā€™t expect me to make them one same thing. fecking idiot.

The problem with simple perusals is they are prone to be wrong.

Total structure losses this year havenā€™t been increasing, highsec included. The last 3 year by month (all regions of space, and highsec shows the same general shape):

A bit off topic and not really related to the original question from NotTheSmartestCookie, which was about POCOs as a conflict driver, but just interesting overall that structure loss is holding about the same, with Upwell structures progressively replacing POSs as targets.


That indicates an increase over 2017 which is what I am pointing out.


To tell me I am wrong with a graph that actually shows an increase in 2018 over 2017 was pretty interestingā€¦, that trend line is wrong on so many levels, but never mind.

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perhaps you should read my post again, i began by saying

i was clearly talking about stations and pointing out that those stations if they own any are not all of their assets.

If they donā€™t own a station and base out of high sec those assets (ships modules implants and so on) only need protecting from NPCā€™s

no need to learn how to avaid targets, understand argo mechanics, no need to learn what different ships do and more important what they canā€™t do.

i was clearing talking about corps that will avoid owning a station now to avoid war decs, no war decs means no need to learn those survival skill sets for PVP.

i canā€™t remember how many wars my corp has been in, they never ever stopped us doing what we wanted to do. the first couple where harsh not knowing how to deal with it, but we learned, them very same guys that war decced us ended up being friends and helped teach us how to survive.

now i gotta ask myself, if things hadnā€™t played out as they did, would my corp have stuck around this long. maybe, maybe not, but we defo wouldnā€™t have gotten the PVP bug and learned to laugh at war decs which lead us to saying feck it, letā€™s go to null sec.

i do agree that the numbers that end up attacking some groups is a bit nuts and overwhelming for a lot of people, i do agree that war decs needed to be changed, i just worry that this new system may lead towards a bad result rather than the good one we all want, which is more players playing and sticking around.

btw: Iā€™m no idiot :eyes:

Many thanks for those posts. Quite surprised me that POCOs generate so much activity.

All the doomsayers who proclaim that highsec will be a barren wasteland donā€™t realize how much of a boring chore it is to shoot structures. People will form up for a shiny Sotiyo killmail or to defend their economic interests around the biggest tradehubs, but nobody really cares about some astrahus in a backwater region.

Yeah, and at the rate Hi-Sec Citis are falling itā€™ll take decades to finish the job anyway. There will be no wasteland.

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People donā€™t bother defending their structures tho.
Mostly because:
1- they probably cost less than a defense fleet
2- they cost less than the ransom they gave to pat
3-they donā€™t have the amount of members to defend it
4-they donā€™t know itā€™s dying because theyā€™re not logging because of the war

The mentality of structure owners (previously any decced group) will remain one of a poor victim thatā€™s being bullied by the mean mean wardeccers. Meaning that the situation wonā€™t change for a bit :joy:

And all in all, structure bashing is awful content 99% of the time (if we can even call that content :sweat_smile:)

P.s. lul @ the flag squad
Salty salty pubbies

When they wardecā€™d my one man corp and offered a surrend option for 5 bilā€¦ But my structure price was 5 bil tooā€¦ soā€¦
When i saw a large fleet forming in the system few minutes before de vulnerability timer, i ripped off all T2 rigs and service modules, jumped in my escape pod and said: keep only the strucuture hull in your killboards, bastards.


Ty for supporting my point :stuck_out_tongue:

It is always amusing when someone is looking to the future based on major changes and someone is arguing about the past or the present as if the changes have not happened and as if it matters, as the possible impact of change is often difficult to understand for some.

The nullsec alliances may well move in on hisec, but will there be the critical mass of people willing to pay them for the right to put up a structure, I doubt it. And what about hisec war dec entities, will they have it in them to maintain their drive when casual players wait them out under the grind of multiple structure bashes.

Will larger and more robust hisec entities develop with the breathing space from war decs, the next six months will be very interesting indeed.

To claim just claim thereā€™s been acceleration in highsec, without any supporting data, just ā€œsimple perusal of killboardsā€ is less than interesting. Itā€™s a common approach here in the forum to make a claim without full context and with no validation whether itā€™s true or not.

So post the graph for highsec Drac. Letā€™s see the data.