They’re not stupid. They were camping our home station. Anything that undocked from there and fought back was very clearly Eve Uni.
That’s just ignorance on your part, not some kind of surprise mechanic.
Much like in real warfare hiding stuff like this generally works about once, and then you’re wise to it, and for something like this it doesn’t even work once. Everyone’s heard about it, knows what it looks like, ect.
The “value” you’re saying exists here just doesn’t, and that’s why this was removed.
In my experience this sort of thing squashed fights and prevented escalation, not encouraged it, and in Bronson’s example there was no escalation. Just a turkey shoot at targets of opportunity.
To add to this, it meant that they could play docking games while keeping their Logi in a safe position out of most gun range since all the fighting is going to be from people docking or undocking from the station.
If you’ve got a 50-60km wide docking ring then you can have your Logi orbit a can on the far side of the station where they have the option of either warping to a safe or docking up if things go badly, and they’re not vulnerable when undocking because they’re not war targets.
Then the person playing docking games pops in and out of the docking bay and gets reps whenever anyone engages, but the Logi have a high degree of safety. They’re out of range of short-range and high DPS guns, most tackle, and even if you manage to scram and web them they often take long enough to die that they can wait out the docking timer and save themselves by docking up.
Just killing one of these neutral logi, at least in the context of docking games and baiting, generally took a massive effort and you weren’t even likely to get a kill. Plus as soon as the party in question knew someone was gunning for their Logi they’d go home for the day and wait you out.