Hisec Suspect Hunting?

how does he make it less obvious about the bowhead tho, as it can’t cloak…

You want to imagine that the players that get killed with suspect baiting are hapless victims just trying to do the right thing. In reality, they tend to be very hostile, unsociable people that lack a good understanding of game mechanics.

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Lord, you need to be more aware of the potential for people to bait your bait…

Question about this permit I currently hold.

Q; Does it offer fleet coverage?

You should get a permit for each ship in your fleet. They are very affordable.

oh yeah that’s a bumper

Q: Does this permit cover my alt?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot tell if this is an alt or another player. Many miners try to scam us. Each permit is only valid for one character.

Secure Commerce Commission Insurance pays for the fittings and the ships are coming off of the Frostpacker Assembly Line.

What is the actual fee for such permit again? I had forgotten.

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