Homefront Operations: inability to ruin the payouts

Imagine thinking CCP cares about this game or its players

The situation is absurd, they even use same ship, burst. Coming to the site, go to 100, 500, 1000 km from beacon and wait reward payouts, no need any tank, making effort into progression. They are sitting in several systems and block normal play for people who spent isk, skills, cooperated to farm the sites. Who will say homefront was created for new players, what prevent them to cooperate for farm sites and make money, like other of new players doing? Several times i lost part of reward because the range of it’s splitting is absurd, it’s more than grid! If somebody was outside of the site, next to acceleration gate, and I was inside and got reward, player which is next to the gate, outside, got reward too and I got less! And those guys using this situation consciously. Is this normal working mechanics?

Here were few cool ideas, but simplest, as for me, would be just limit of range for reward splitting. I can say only about Dread and Emergency Aid, not sure about other sites, but this two would be fine with range 30-50km from beacon, for example. This will prevent any range camping without at least some tank, or better, logi. If augoror or osprey needs logi, fleetmates, why the frigate can be there without logi support? Maybe adding few frigates, with webs only, would help too. It won’t increase pressure on normal farmers, but those frigates will be pushed out fast.

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