Hopefully a fresh idea to make player bounties viable again

the whole “harassment” argument is ABSOLUTELY moot, if you don’t like your bounty, place the same amount on the person who has issued it to you, therefore that person is in the same position and therefore all things are equal.

Because with the super high bounty they just have to stayed docked for a month and waste your isk. With the concurrent bounties you could perpetually make them a more appealing target.

I’m not saying that. I’m saying we should tighten it up a little. You are very fatalistic do you know that? It’s a good system. I like it. I’m just saying we could improve it in this one way with a little GM support.

Thanks I guess :smiley: .

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No matter what type of bounty system you implement, it would be abused…

Can you be more specific please? In this suggestion the issuer is also choosing who will perform the service and also the bounty is paid off with kill mail of that value.

So if the issuer cannot trust anyone to kill that player for real he will avoid using it.
And if the issuer still uses it and select some random corp such as Safety. to do the job and they decide that the bounty target is friendly to them why would they attempt to abuse it and kill the target for minimal gain when they can simply ignore it?

Because even in such case where you as bounty issuer faulty select someone who is friendly to your target and they attempt to get the money they need to lose something of value anyway. Idk I heard the stories about players manipulating market for several months to then kill themselves by alt and generate 1b+ kill mail of value from the modules they used in that ship and then they gained exactly 10% of that loss ie. 100milion. I didn’t believe that for a second and I don’t think it would be worthwhile even if you got 100% of that loss (if the bounty was bigger).

And if you are talking about abuse of the style that it will be used to harass newbies, then that is not an abuse at all and neither harassment either.

If the bounty system was brought back, the first thing I would do is go back to placing 100 million ISK bounties on new players in Rookie Help just for asking ridiculously stupid questions…

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And so what? In this system the bounty is time limited so you are wasting your money since newbies will never fly anything that would be of value of that bounty so that bounty will never be fully paid out.

Additionally, new players are protected in the starting systems, so someone ganking them there will be stopped by GMs anyway. And even if they get killed outside of these systems it would still be proabably the real griefing and subject to the GM revision and that should include you. (And if GM decides it is all fine then what are we talking about here?)

I doubt such newbie will fly anything of value, so even if you found a player who would gank them over and over for this bounty you given to him, considering the fact that you must suicide gank them, I doubt any of such gank will be ISK positive even with 100% kill mail value being given to that ganker.

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Which makes this suggestion useless, just like all the other bounty system rework ideas. Bonus points for you, though, because you did not suggest that bounties come with a killright.

A bounty that can only be claimed by suicide ganking puts a nasty burden on the attacker. They need a big number of chars to gank a target, which means lots of cost for subscription and lost ships; and they lose security status, which means additional cost for security tags to be able to continue to fly around high sec; and since it’s still a suicide gank they put killrights on their heads.

That must be one hell of a good bounty to compensate all these and many other downsides of this system. Who is going to engage in the bounty hunter profession if they

? That’s as ridiculous as many CCP ideas for why someone should engage in their pipedreams.

This is likely why all the previous suggestions to bring bounties back always failed.

On the one hand, bounty system mustn’t allow one player to legally shoot another as that is prone to abuse.

And on the other hand, if bounty system doesn’t allow that it is useless?

This logic of yours is really something.

Don’t forget that if the player is in wardeccable corp or alliance you can wardec them and you can also kill the player in low, null, pochven, wh-space, abyssal space or even in duel or proving grounds. Ganking is simply the only choice which doesn’t rely on player “helping” you with killing him and available every time.

So it wouldn’t neccessarily be required to suicide gank the player.

I wouldn’t do that myself, too hassle to search for this player in space with how vast is it (and locator agents are not much of an use most of the time). But considering that there are players who are into hunting players with kill rights against them, why wouldn’t be some players be interested in this content?

Obviously it won’t be for everyone, it won’t be for you that is certain. The amount of players who will be into this content, and will propagate themselves ingame or on forums as Bounty Hunters and players you should direct your bounty to, will probably be less than one hundred, but does that mean it is pointless? I don’t think so. Even if there is single player who will carry on these bounties, I believe it would be wortwhile to do it. Afterall this is the true content that never gets old as this brings player to player interactions and ISK sinks.

None of which allows for random killrights without any warning. Wars cost money and you get ample warning to get out of the corp or make preparations. A random killright can’t be evaded and there’s no reason behind them if you can buy them for ISK…

All of these spaces (besides low sec) don’t even allow the activation of killrights. All of these spaces (including low sec) are already a free-for-all environment so that killrights or bounties aren’t even necessary to kill someone or have elevated motivation to do so.

HS is the only area of space where the hunting is profitable, involves no risk (in other areas you could be engaged by other people while you hunt) and the targets can’t do anything meaningful against you.

Why would someone engage in an activity that costs them more ISK than what you can earn? It’s not pointless in itself but the approach that you take with requiring (as you said, they need to lose something of value) the hunters to suicide gank their targets makes it pointless. Bounty Hunting is a nigh exclusive High Sec activity, which means you either need to gank or you need killrights to make the bounty system work. Ganking puts too much cost pressure on the hunters, killrights for ISK are ridiculously abusable or pointless because the limitation on pirate status chars (sub -5.0 chars) means you put a KR on something that you can already freely engage.

No, it would not be worthwhile. It would be a waste of developer time for something that is broken and/or not used and not usable. If you want such a useless system, CCP could just bring back the last iteration with ship value depending bounty payouts or the old system that you could farm with your alts.

Wtf are you talking about. Both your posts makes 0 sense what so ever. What is this killright you are mentioning over and over in this post? Bounty != killright I believe I made that clear.

That’s why I mention them. With them, a bounty system is actually able to hunt bounty targets but ridiculously abusable, or pointless due to restrictions. Without them, a bounty system is worthless because it requires too much effort from hunters compared to the pay.

Here is a thought, prolly complicated though…

Bounties are levied by the NPC, say 10% of the target estimated price…
Proc, lets say is 50 mill, so every attacker(ganker) involved incurs a 5 mill bounty…

Now you might say ok, but thats an ISK faucet…
Lets use the Sec Status ranking…
Ganker with bounty on their head…
0.0 or Higher pays 1% of their pod/ship to undock
-00.1 to -1 2%
-1.01 to -2 3%

-9.01 to -10 pays 11%

This makes turns it into an ISK sink…if the ganker has no cash in their wallet they cant undock in HS.

Claiming the Bounty
1.) Character must be a minimum of Sec Status 3
2.) Bounty Hunter has to have an approved License(this allows for RP as a bounty hunter) which is revoked the moment the character does anything to take a Sec Status hit(this includes losec activites, you are not a criminal, you are an extension of the law) yall discuss a price for this license im jjust brainstorming.
3.) Bounty Hunter can go to any approved Concord Station to see a list of targets, select 1 target and pay a 10% retainer fee of the targets current listed bounty which gives them a KR to engage target.
4.) Bounty Hunter upon killing target can claim the total Bounty he/she paid the retainer for; so 1 million retainer for a 10 bounty…will not matter if the target is up to 20 or 50 mill by the time you kill the target…you paid for a 10 million bounty so thats what you get paid for.
5.) Bounty Hunter can return to Concord, forfeit the retainer fee to select a new target etc etc if unable to locate and kill their current target.

this was just an off the cuff idea that bounced around my head for like 10 seconds without too much thought put to it, pick it apart, build on it, or set it on fire and put in the trash, im going to bed now.

Your idea would soft lock players out of the game no? If they have no isk they can’t undock and they also can’t jump clone to another station.

Why would they have to do that?

If they are not war eligible they won’t be wardecced thanks to this, and if they are war eligible and get wardecced, how does it differ from RIOT or BLACK BLAG wardeccing them to kill their structure or to camp them at trade hubs?

And so if they aren’t going to be wardecced, the only chance for bounty hunters to kill such players in highsec is by suicide ganking (and outside of the highsec its already a danger zone where anyone can and will attempt to kill them bounty or not, so irrelevant). Which has its mechanics and rules - that player can still fly highsec on autopilot and the bounty hunters wouldn’t be able to do ■■■■ about it. And even if they could gank him, the actual bounty itself is not paid off fully just by killing rookie ship. Bounty hunter that the bounty issuer choosed will only get up to 100% kill mail value. That means, that it doesn’t matter that you put 1 bilion ISK bounty. As long as this player is not undocking in Marauder which would have this value, it wouldn’t make him target by default. And even in Marauder, there is very few players or entities who can suicide gank such ship especially outside of the 0.5 / 0.6 systems. These are highsec gankers who are very unlikely to engage in this bounty system if implemented - obviously they kill the target if he flies to them, but if he will be doing missions outside their jurisdiction or in some hidden highsec pocket such as Solitude they won’t purpuse him there, why would they do that?

It is funny that you see this as a reason to not undock and not play for a month, while the other guy in this thread sees this as completely useless as noone will engage into it without making the bounty to act as killright which is not what I suggested. With such conflicting opinions on this bounty system doesn’t that mean that the reality will be somewhere in middle?

I’m not saying they will or that I would do this, it was literally in response to your question of what is the difference between one massive bounty and lots of concurrent bounties. That is all.

If those concurrent bounties are directed to same player there is no real difference except perhaps some psychological ■■■■ in target player head.

If those concurrent bounties are directed to different players or entities then perhaps it would be more dangerous for this player to undock as it is more likely he is going to be attempted to be killed (suicide ganked - as that is the only method available if the player actively avoids any legal PvP).

You put an expiration date on the bounties so putting one big bounties is a less efficient use of your isk. One way means they are a juicy target for one month, the other way you could keep the bounty going for nine months.

Okay, I didn’t understood from your original post that those bounties will be put on player once per month.

No. There is no middle ground when it comes to this aspect. There is either the abusable but actual bounty hunting system where a bounty means that there is an actionable killright and people can actually get the bounty that was placed on someone’s head. Or there is a system where you put money on someone and hunters don’t get jack-crap from it because it 1) only pays out a fraction or 2) costs the hunter too much ISK to get the money.

Have you ever in the history of mankind and science-fiction seen a bounty hunter that has to kill themselves and/or their gear to get a bounty? Do you really think that Boba-Fet would be a bounty hunter if he had to kamikaze kill his Slave 1 every time he is sent to kill someone? I have not seen anything like this ever. That’s ludicrous.

That’s hilariously naive. Safety. would immediately offer their services to gank everything that has a sufficiently high bounty on its head. They have worked out the math to kill someone with relatively little effort and only need about 250M in ship value to kill any Marauder in 0.5, about 400M in 0.7. Add to that the subscription cost per alt. They have the alts to do that work. and they will monopolize it just like they have monopolized ganking and turned it into a toxic cesspool.