I personally like hearing about how other players, especially the older ones, got started. There was an old forum post: https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=331515 that talked about it. I couldn’t find an updated version of that post on the new forums so I thought I would make one. I am not that old, maybe just about 2 years into this game, but to start off the new thread I will tell my story up until this point.
slow fading light blue text
“not so long ago in a galaxy extremely close…”
I made my first character back in 2015, but quit after just 1 day because I had put all my assets (not even 1 mil isk worth) into an atron and got myself blown up. My real eve experience starts in 2016. I had heard of the huge space battles and liked the idea of everything being controlled and influenced by other players. This is of course not 100% true, but pretty close.
I started off doing the tutorial (the old one, not the new fancy one), and actually getting into the role playing idea: A lone “pirate” (I was looting npc wrecks without permission, oh boy was I a bad person) bringing justice to the galaxy! When I had finished the tutorial, I had no idea how to do anything, I had just heard that to do anything in this game, I had to be in a corp. Doing a quick search in the corporation window, I had found a supposedly new bro corporation. They were going to pay for all of my skill books and even give me a few shiny frigates to play around with. Unfortunatly, they weren’t quite for me either. I asked a ton of questions and eventually, they just started ignoring me. So I took my little algos and joined another corp. This one was much smaller than the last, but I got my first taste of the MMO part of Eve. The comradery was great and I really enjoyed playing with that group of people. That corp was where I started doing missions (level 1 at first) and the SOE arc. They helped me earn isk and standings so that I could transition into Level 4 missions. I would do each level 4 in my Tech 1 fit Dominix and then come back in a salvage catalyst to collect all the loot and salvage from my mobile tractor units. Eventually, our corp got wardecced. No one wanted to fight because of out carebear nature. Everybody but me left because of the wardec or real life. I started to look for better ways to make isk. At this point, I had forgotton about the role playing corp thing and just wanted to become rich. Running missions wasn’t going to cut it, at least not the way I was doing them.
I then ran into Sansha Incursions. Something that would become my bread and butter and my main source of income. After doing a 5 second google search, I had found that Warp To Me Incursions was the most new player friendly incursion community out there. I found that I could already sit in a hyperion and the only thing left to do was the train for the meta 4 guns and buy the ship.
The moment I joined my first incursion fleet was the moment I might have quit eve. I had spent every last penny and lp I had on that hyperion. I didn’t even have enough isk to pay the 10mil SRP Warp To Me (WTM) offered. If I had lost that ship I probably would have quit. Luckily, the Fleet Commander (FC) that day did a very good job of being paitent with me and answering all my newbie questions. I didn’t even know how to broadcast or what a Message of The Day (MOTD) was. After only 10 minutes I had a wopping 28million in my pocket. (Yes I know that a payout is 31.5mil, but I had corp tax and I didn’t know that I could just make my own corp until a few months later)
I was hooked, I quickly saved up and skilled into my first vindicator. Probably still one of my favorite ships to date. With new vindi, I was looking for more. Running sites with WTM was great, but other communities boasted higher isk/hour ratios. I found out that just like in the real world, much of those numbers are exaggerated in order to attract naive players such as myself. I bounced around from community to community, each one having its own little niche.
I was tired with all of the down time that my favorite incursion community had, a smaller one called USTZ Inc, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and became an FC. I learned a lot about not only incursions, but about the game and most importantly, about people. But then I ran into another delema. I wouldn’t always have enough people to even form a fleet whenever I wanted. Sure I knew what to do, but without enough people, I couldn’t do anything.
Shortly after, I discovered the wonders of multiboxing. I had found a video of someone running those same sites I run with 10-12 people, all my himself. He got all of the isk and the best part: he could run whenever he wanted.
Once again, I spent all of my isk and lp on PLEX and Skill injectors in order to start up my other 9 characters.
Oh and was I terrible. The very first site I did I lost 2 ships, one of them my logi. When I finally completed one site, my hands were shaking and I was perspiring. I couldn’t even speak properly I was so happy.
I eventually got much better. Going from 2 sites/ hour to 12 sites/ hour. I finally had isk to spend on other things. I started up a few other alts. I put a few of them into other parts of space and I even set one up to role play from again, but I’ll save those for another day.
USTZ was slowing down and I needed a new community. I ended up back with WTM, the group that started it all. I became an FC for them too and I learned the ins and outs of incursions once again. (I didn’t forget the original time I learned about incursions. Incursions have 3 types, VG (small) Assaults (medium) and HQ (large). USTZ did VG and WTM did HQ). I learned how to multibox with other people in fleet, rather than just myself. The isk of course, was amazing.
I started introducing passive income into my revenue stream and looked into joining a big null alliance. I had joined in the past very briefly, but I couldn’t find anything that interested me. I found the same to be true again on the second go around so I went back up to highsec to farm more incursions.
But again, I found myself becoming bored again, so I decided to get more crazy than I already was. I got another 10 accounts and instead of doing a 10 man fleet, I started doing a 20 man fleet and running assaults.
Jump to present day, I’ve got enough isk to do the things I want to do and I play the game how I want to play it. Some people think that multiboxing that many characters for incursions is stupid, or that doing a ton of PVE is stupid, but its how I choose to play the game, and to me, its loads of fun.
I’ve met many people in this game, a few of whom I would consider friends, despite never meeting them in person.
My advice to new players: Do what you think is fun, its a sand box after all. Doing so will let you meet people, and that’s what keeps most of us players around. Not the new patches or the graphics or even the mechanics. Its the people we get to share those in game experiences with that make us stay. I came for the big explosions, but I stay because of the people I’ve met along the way.
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Warp To Me Incursions
Lord of Worlds Alliance
Dear other veterans,
Write your own stories. They’re fun to read!