How do a new line of Ship could be added into EVE?

No, we have enough junk, most of which is only marginally different from the other junk, that CCP can barely balance as it is.

How about… allowing Upwell Stations to fly and warp? But slooooowly, like 30m/s and warp it 0.1AU/s And make many more of them

I say we bring back mines and have minesweepers.

Super Destroyer and Heavy Bombers :wink:
= BS Anticap

We already have that: Leshak

But we could do Heavy Bombers. Those Bombs could be frig-sized but smart bomb proof :wink:
So Cap fleets would need anti-bomb-fleets :wink:

T2 Camper Orca…
I was thinking the same ship, indipendently…
Moving all your assets with you…
You got me on the flint line!

It could be something like a T3 Industrial, with modules, like
T3 strategic cruisers, but with swappable Cargo Fleet holds, Ammo holds, Ore, etc…

But Junk is gold!! :rofl:

oh man… i wish i could afford any battleship

Fortizars with warp drives! Planet-sized multipurpose flying annihilation dispensers! Oh my!

Medusa Pirate Carrier Ship, with new Snakes drones line
and Multi-purpose Fighter. Size comparison with Tempest!
My Design!
Medusa is a Greek-Roman Demon that turned into salt statues anyone whom
had looked to her. Her head was tempested with snakes.

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but that way you will fail school again :disappointed:

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I lost the year already because of Internet lessons and teachers without a clue…
I know… I only hope that next year we’ll be allowed back into normality…
This year I did whay I could…

ty anyway…
I should start preparing for new year this week…

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