How do I setup a basic factory planet to produce P2 with several P1s?

I have been looking at tutorials and still it evades me how to setup a basic factory planet where I deposit several P1s and make them into one P2.

I make several launchpads going to several storage facilities, and then 18 basic factories. Then somehow from there, how do I get both storage facilities containing several P1s to fuel 18 basic factories producing a P2?

Do I just link both storage facilities to each P2 basic factories and have them then send it back to the launch pads?

The reason it is difficult is because I don’t have this problem when extracting and producing P1s in basically 1 factory. I just move from extractor to storage to factory and there isn’t 2 inputs into each basic factory from two types of resources.

A dear friend gave me this layout. I am not like the ultra rich PI barons who refuse to reveal their setups. Enjoy.

At the end it makes t3 PI (robotics)

The rest of the factory makes mechanical parts and consumer electronics. They are t2 factories. All you simply do is throw the t1 stuff into the landing pad and it starts it right up and as you can see it goes to the storage as a buffer and eventually goes to the third landing pad.

If this helps understand how the conveyor belt works. All industry is one big conveyor belt. Now imagine a huge PI operation with 5 of those factory planets like the one I linked? ALL of those factory planets need to be fed the raw materials (t1 PI) as you mention. Becomes a real job but the ISK/hr is awesome.

so you want a P2 setup that comes from P1 of varrying planets

this site EWT - Planetary says that all can be done on one planet. However in a WS you may lack that one planet that allows to produce P2 directly, when you need that P2 for industry.
In that case I suggest buying P2 directly, if you can’t find a P1->P2 that satisfies your needs.

Let’s say that you want transmitter and your WS does not have a storm.
Then you just feed two storages for the chiral structures and plasmoids, typically with two launchpads, and redirect the P2 into one launchpad
You may also use more than 2 launchpads if you want more than 10 000 m³ of each input.
However past 4 launchpads for input, you need one more launchpad for output : redirect the product into two different launchpads. Epithal being 67 000 m³ I guess you should instead go for 60 000 m³ of P1, that will produce 15 000 of P2

Why make a factory planet for P2s?

Most P2s can be created on a single extraction planet by extracting the two P0s that you need. Doing so saves you a whole lot of effort!

The only P2s for which this is not possible are Microfiber Shielding, Plyaramids and Silicate Glass, because their two P0s are not found on a single planet type.
It may also not be possible for you produce P2 from scratch on a planet if you don’t have a specific planet type nearby - if you have no ice planets you cannot make Supertensil Plastics on a single planet for example.

Having a factory planet just to make only a P2 sounds a little wasteful. P1s are huge and a hassle to move, and you would need to be moving a lot to feed a full planet of factories just for that P2. The only times I made dedicated factory planets that did no extraction was when I needed P3 or higher.

If you cannot build P2 directly on one planet because you have no planets nearby that offer both P0s needed for that P2, you could try a hybrid setup instead:

  • One P0 you extract from the planet itself, turn it into P1 to feed your P2 factories
  • The other input material you transport as P1 to the planet

Saves you a whole lot of hauling!

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Doing PI in a wh, I had to go to lvl 4 simply for hauling space since I could never guarantee an opining which were limited anyway.

Pick a lvl that works for you. If you can travel safely, go bulk, that sells well also.

Almost seems like basic concepts,

Setting routes,
Storage or Products, and
Importing and Exporting.

Planetary Industry - EVE University Wiki

It is a lot of reading and YouTube watching and experimentation.


This is my factory design. It generates 100 P2/h and one account can fuel two of these in 6d cycles.

It requires Command Center Upgrades V though to squeeze 20 Advanced Factories onto one planet like this. When I move all of the goods into the Launchpads the first time I just move two stacks of the first P1 into the upper two Launchpads and two stacks of P1 into the lower two (the list in the Customs Office window). Each stack has 52631 P1 since that fits into 10000 m³ (v Launchpad) / 0,19 m³ (v of one P1)


Now each of these factory planets needs 20x40 P1 or 20x 6000 P0 per hour for each P1 that is processed into P2.

These are examples for my Extractor/P1 Factory Planets. Each of these planets need to produce a minimum of 30000 P0 / 200 P1 to keep the P2 factory running non stop. If you run the numbers you’ll see that at this point Interplanetary Consolidation V comes into play since the P2 factories eat up 800 P1 of both types per hour, aka. need four of these extractor/P1 planets for each P1, meaning 2x P2 factory, 2x 4 P1a factory + 2x 4 P1b factory per account.

Now to a small addition. You might have noticed that seven or six factories process more P1 per h than 30k P1/h. This serves several purposes:

  1. Null/Wh planets have good enough densities to supply more factories while not dropping beneath the 30k P0 limit

  2. Most PI processing decreases volume, more factories on exceptionally rich planets means less maintenance due to the 10k m³ launchpad limit.

  3. The surplus that gathers up over time behaves like a rigged reaction station for composite reactions. After a while you get a free run simply because you can supply more P1 than your factory processes per h. Good for times where you ain’t certain if you can be bothered with the PI hassle or when you redesign stuff

  4. You can’t harvest the same spot forever, but with previous surplus you can be lazy instead of having to move the extractor setup asap.

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Finally a few special comments. First I have linked the optimal monthly output under full maintenace for my current setup to give you a feeling for the monthly production on one account:

In case you want to go P3, you have to alter close to nothing for 2xP2 P3 types. Simply change one of five Advanced Factories to P3 and have the other four supply it, rerouting their output from the launchpad to the now P3 factory, which in turn sticks to dropping your P3 in the Launchpad:

This is an example for the P3 output in 30 days

@Baron_Von_Dread perhaps this explanation is what you were looking for.