How Interdiction Nullifier module killed exploration

Those groups manage to catch and kill people on gates there because of 2 reasons:

  1. Those systems are crowded
  2. Those systems are high sec and ‘safe’ enough for freighters and industrials to warp from gate to gate

Now try applying those gate camping methods to some backwater null sec region and let me know how many freighters and industrials you catch without bubbles.

High sec is different from null sec. The players are different, the ships you can hunt are different. Null sec would be completely different without bubbles.

Where people in high sec favour high hitpoints on their ships to not get killed, in null sec people prefer scouts and fast aligning ships.

Yea I totally do. I never said I was happy about the changes. But I have adapted.

Destiny is correct. Also if you are unsure you can do what myself and many others do with all kinds of mechanics: test it for yourself. No need to bother with a GM that may or may not know something. Get a corpmate in a dictor and see what happens. You might be surprised what you can learn.

And anyone can move with impunity in lowsec. There is pretty much no PVP in lowsec unless someone wants to get caught or is completely clueless. Barring a couple of “shortest routes” between trade hubs lowsec is a joke when it comes to travel. Even then it is easy to blow through those systems.

Null has more weapons because it is meant to be more dangerous. CCP designed it that way. You complain about bubbles and bring up lowsec. Well maybe go to lowsec or highsec if you want easy mode travel and don’t want bubbles. CCP made a place for you already.

adapted to what? adapted to broken mechanics?

after gate you cant see the status [timer] of this module
you need to press module to check status

Seems you’ve found a bug! Now file a bug report please. :wink:

I had not yet seen that particular bug, but in all other scenarios the nullification module works as it should, in my experience.

I am doing exploration just fine in null and j-space and that without nullification , so HTFU !

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Bro just dont warp gate to gate and make a safespot lmao

Pretty sure I didn’t rule out dictors and HICs

Again, didn’t rule out dictors and HICs. As usual people are just putting words in my mouth, or talking like I said something I didn’t shrugs

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This was already stated. People being very selective in what they see or hear…but thanks, I guess.

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Certain resources require me to go there. My experience of lowsec is that there’s plenty of PvP. If yours is otherwise, that’s a shame. I don’t want easy mode, I want fairness. Again, yet again, people making assumptions about me to better pigeonhole me. I’m not the carebear you think I am. Sorry I don’t fit into your mould, and therefore relish your advice. You’d be better off not weighing in at all perhaps.

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Neither HICs nor Dictors are allowed to use bubbles in high sec. This topic is about nullification and bubbles right? What makes anchorable bubbles different from other bubbles and why is that relevant to the discussion?

I feel that there’s definitely been an uptick in low sec activity due to the latest industry changes. The best ore and gas sites can be found throughout low sec. A few weeks ago I saw a locust fleet of 12 prospects just huffing gas. I never seen anything like it.

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And I agree, mobile warp bubbles are a lazy mechanic. You don’t even need to be online for them to be effective. It’s the “AFK Cloaking” for gate campers.


It’s someone who’s uninformed and is ranting because he doesn’t like the outcome of his choice to remain uninformed. Beyond one post trying to explain things (I gave it one try explaining how it actually works, why things are as they are and how that applies in actual game play, it got ignored) it’s really just an exercise in futility.

Not talking about highsec. You’ve seized on an adjunct of an adjunct, and ran with it like it’s the main topic, and thereby created a third adjunct of your own. Now, you question my attempt to bring us back to the first adjunct, as though the third is the OP. As it is, my line of conversation branched off from the OP a while ago, and people are now just having entirely separate conversations, and responding to stuff they made up in their heads. So I’m just going to let this topic lie and let you all get on with it.

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It was ignored because it was too late, and related to a point that had already been discussed and then conceded further above. I don’t see the point in responding to those who are just parroting others from 18 hours before. You clearly hadn’t been following the conversation properly, so you’re not really in any position to be calling anyone uninformed.

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Genuine question as I’ve not tested, but what happens in the mega systems which are 100AU+ wide? If the nullifier effect expires before you land on the destination grid, are you still nullified? I was thinking it would be better to check nullification status on entering a grid rather than at point of warp for this very reason.

You need to be nullified the moment you enter warp. Your module does not need to be active the moment you go through a bubble to be nullified.

So if you’re in a mega system 100AU+ wide you will be nullified for the entire warp if you had the module active the moment you initiated warp.