I’ve just returned for another look at EVE after a break of a year or two.
I connect to my ISP via a mobile data. 10GB every 30 days is enough for my requirements, including e.g. remote login to work systems. Before Corona lockdown, I’d use free (work) bandwidth for large predictable downloads, but this isn’t currently practical.
I restarted EVE 3 or 4 days ago, and it seems to have used around 5GB refreshing the client without telling me how much would be downloaded. It ran me out of bandwidth, which caused me considerable inconvenience, but in principle it’s not an unreasonable amount of data for a full refresh of a “fat-client”.
Today I got a patch of approx 650 - 750 MB pushed into my system, again which no obvious information about the size of the patch.
EVE logins seem to be taking about 150 MB, which seems like a lot for a fat-client game.
Should I plan in EVE taking e.g. 500MB per day on average (2 x 150MB logins + 1/4-to-1/3 of 650-to-750MB for patches)?
If not, can someone please provide an estimate of average bandwidth consumption assuming two one-hour sessions per day?