no, turrets add paper theorical dps. On a VNI your drones have better apply and better DPS than on a vexor. especially the range and tracking of hybrid do not allow you the same flexibility.
That’s why it’s THEORY DPS and it’s USELESS.
no, turrets add paper theorical dps. On a VNI your drones have better apply and better DPS than on a vexor. especially the range and tracking of hybrid do not allow you the same flexibility.
That’s why it’s THEORY DPS and it’s USELESS.
Wow, color me surprised. I had no idea that turret ships were only for theroy crafting and weren’t viable in game. Time to sell all my turret ships.
facepalm. The amount of dishonesty is strong in this one. I was talking about a ratting vexor and you exaggerate to every turret ship in the game.
That why you should try them in REALITY and not in theory.
What is USELESS is your opinion based on THEORICAL PAPER values.
That’s why I told you “no” when you say all theorycraft fits are viable.
I have used a vexor with turrets for ratting and missions, it works very well despite not having an application bonus.
no, you did not do a guristas sanctum with a blaster fit vexor. The VNI on the other hand, can do it with a 740 DPS 140M fit. Because it is real DPS that does not gimp the ship.
No, but neither is he, he is belt ratting in nullsec.
ive just been using drones.
On a vexor you lose about 1/2 your DPS with just drones.
If your intent is to exclusively use drones then the VNI is your best bet.
Ok thanks everybody for the replies. Also to answer Dread_Saboteur I did plan on grinding to the Rattlesnake eventually.
and if he want to make money he will do anoms.
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