How Much It Costs to PLEX Your Account

How much it costs to PLEX your Account (bookmark for future reference). Note: the following numbers are aimed at a single character.

Monthly … 500 PLEX (-0%) … 3 billion ISK (3 billion ISK/month)
Quarterly … 1,200 PLEX (-20%) … 7.2 billion ISK (2.4 billion ISK/month)
Bi-Annually … 2,100 PLEX (-30%) … 12.6 billion ISK (2.1 billion ISK/month)
Annually … 3,600 PLEX (-40%) … 21.6 billion ISK (1.8 billion ISK/month)

CCP also offers a -20% off Omega deal through the NES store several times a year (the last one was just after Xmas 2024), so this further reduces it to:

Monthly … 400 PLEX (-20%) … 2.4 billion ISK (2.4 billion ISK/month)
Quarterly … 960 PLEX (-36%) … 5.76 billion ISK (1.92 billion ISK/month)
Bi-Annually … 1,680 PLEX (-44%) … 10.08 billion ISK (1.68 billion ISK/month)
Annually … 2,880 PLEX (-52%) … 17.28 billion ISK (1.44 billion ISK/month)
. . . . .

*This assumes a PLEX purchase price of 6 million ISK per. PLEX is currently trading in the 6.1-6.2 million ISK range, so the actual ISK cost will vary month-to-month.
†Also note that at the time of this writing, skill farms are operating at a loss.


3 x skill extractors and 30 days pi mats or a few hours mining.

CCP has done this quite a lot over the time since SP farms became a thing to drive players into “using” the accounts and playing on them to increase player counts and metrics, as well as prey for hunters. The drive for longer subs, through PLEX and game time deals, has also been a way to eat up excess PLEX and to ensure longer turn around times on SP farms. More time cost and bigger outlays needed which means the likelihood of more actual “playing” the accounts is generated.

IMO it forces bigger investments, larger sunk cost and account usage versus just plain jane “log in once a month” to have accounts issue it was before. So players need to plan on what to do with the accounts more and might need to fund them more so in the future as PLEX and sub costs rise and fall. Even a strategy of moving between cash and PLEX can be used as well for some players at least and to a larger extent rotating “crop fields” can net a good and valuable return for those savvy enough to see the gains over the long term.

PS- thanx for the break down.

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If you were to pay for a year, you’d need to earn 50 million ISK daily for a year to be able to PLEX your account annually when CCP has their Omega NES sale.

Multiply this by every account you want to PLEX. And if some are trained up where you need them to be, you can make around 1.2 billion ISK every month just extracting skills. Not enough to completely offset the monthly cost - but it will cover 80-85% of it.

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Buy PLEX on sale in the EVE Store and use it to add game time when the NES omega sale is on.

I can’t be bothered to do the math, but I bet it works out to a fraction of any other game time strategy.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Give CCP money for this train-wreck?

Nah… I’ll use my mid 12 figures to PLEX until the game dies. (I know, weak sauce)

Also, you don’t buy PLEX from the online store for subscriptions… it’s for converting it to ISK.

The cost to PLEX your account has one single answer… 3 Billion ISK. All that other info is meaningless as far as PLEXing your account goes.

Just because you buy 2800 PLEX at an imaginary make-believe discount in IRL $ for an imaginary non-existent product, doesn’t mean you still don’t have to give 3 Billion in ISK (500 PLEX) to PLEX your account.

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I did this in December (bought PLEX on sale for $100, bought Omega on sale for PLEX) and the annual sub came out to $8.33/mo. Technically less, since the $100 bought a little more PLEX than was needed for the annual Omega.

If you’re paying cash to sub, it’s definitely the cheapest option, but only within a limited window of availability.


Unless you save up the ISK in advance, in which case you can get it down to as low as 1.44 billion ISK.

All very well…but someone has to actually pay for their accounts or there wouldn’t be an EVE.

Almost all PLEX comes from the EVE store. Someone is paying for the PLEX. If the PLEX is then used to pay for Omega, it all comes out in the wash.

CCP revenue = direct Omega subs + EVE store sales

Yes, other than the occasional free PLEX giveaways from CCP (monthly, events).

It just boggles me that it costs dang near 100M a day to plex the average account for 30 days.

Maybe I am blind, but how long do you guys play on this game to earn a hundred million?

Doing lvl 4’s. . . I think I would have to run, what like 10+ daily, and thats with going after the mission and looting and salvaging?

Maybe Abyssals, but that investment is in the Billions. Ouch

Mining? I dunno, I made close to that when I was in Null, but that was being backed by a Large Alliance willin to pay to keep up their mining fleets 24/7

There’s way more to this game than mining, missions, and abyssals.

Have a look here for the myriad other professions open to you for making a decent living.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I can bank enough daily to PLEX my three accounts with about 10-15min of effort. Once you’re setup it’s not that difficult.

1 t6 abyssal is 100-150mill in 15 mins. Thats 3 c3 wormhole sites at about 5 mins each in a vargur

So you mind to expand on this? I’m interested in how you do this.

@ Darquies Shade
start with homefronts
on day1 acc you can make 60-105m/h with a 15m ship. 0 pvp.
all you need are 4 other player to join the fleet, and for that you have channels like “looking-for-group” to find those

join ingame channel looking-for-group

but not sure whether it is wise to grind a game for isk, so you can play the game… in the end, it might just get reduced to grinding and not playing the game

Standard L4 blitzing. You can run 3-4 burners in quick succession - each netting you around 20-25m ISK plus drops. You can run all the regular and team burners in a unified Nergal fit. So once you have the skills/ship/modules, it earns very well.

Every now and then you’ll need to pause and run some regular missions to bring your standings back up (if you’re declining a lot of missions to just focus on burners). Yesterday I played for 45min (no declines) and netted ~225m ISK (after LP conversion).

Abyssals can earn a lot more - but the ships and implants are more expensive and there’s a lot more associated risk.

Combat Anoms in Null pay reasonably.

You get something like a Serpentis Prison Camp and you get:

the 21st overseer’s personal effects - 80m guaranteed*

The bounties from all the ships multiplied by the Bounty Modifier - in the order of another 40 to 60m depending on the system (modifiers may vary)

Then the loot can be quite reasonable, especially if a shadow ship spawns, as these can carry loot worth up to about 250m depending on the ship (I find smaller ships to be more likely to have a hugh value object, battleships often let me down)

So I would generally try to look for one or two of these of an evening, sometimes three, and you can clear these comfortably but slowly in a RNI, or faster but less comfortably in a Golem (bastion mode in null will stop you falling asleep!)

If Alpha, you can do these in a Barghest, which is my favourite Alpha-Friendly BS.

Other real easy ones are Rally Points, Hubs and Military Complexes, but these aren’t as nice as the prison camp in terms of payout, but are generally quicker to do (fewer rooms)

*The 80m is only guaranteed if you sell it specifically to Concord at one of a small amount of stations, but if you just swing by Jita once a week in a Viator and dump everything then you’ll get around 67-73m for it most of the time.

Edit: Did something called a “Paramilitary Complext” the other night, took about an hour, around 500m isk all totalled. There were three shadow spawns in it which EvE University suggests is normal. Load up on as many of those as you can, they’re easy.

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typically 5-10 sets of gank ships at around 100mil per set.
so ~500mil-1bil per account per month