PLEX for game time question

Hello all :partyparrot:

In the PLEX vault, 1 month of omega time costs 275 PLEX. What if I want 6 months of omega time? Is that 275*6 or is that for only 1 month, with the other 5 months being 500 PLEX per month (so 275*1 + 500*5)? I’ve never added game time through the PLEX vault so no idea how that works. It’s confusing that the NES lists 1 month as 500 PLEX, but the vault says something else.

Also, is the 275 a temporary promotion? Any idea on when that ends?

Seems like it’s more affordable to just purchase direct omega time, but I could be wrong.

It is indeed much cheaper to just purchase an Omega sub with cash, especially longer-term subscriptions like yearly.


I believe the Plex vault is just listing you the lowest currently available price in the NES store (6,600 Plex for 24 months = 275 per month). But if you click it, it just takes you to the list of current Plex offers. It’s not something you can just click on and get a month for 275 Plex.

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Wow, that’s really misleading. Why does CCP do it? It’s shameful.

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I guess it depends if you’re a glass-half-full sort of person or not.

In one case, sure, it shows you a price you can’t get unless you buy 24 months. On the other hand, it shows you that there is a sale on and what the lowest Plex cost you can currently get is.

Some people will see it either way. Just as a side-note though, CCP has a long-standing habit of choosing really odd ways to display information (or conceal it). It’s always best to double and even triple check things before making decisions.


1 month of omega without sales etc = 500 plex

Could CCP be trying to drive out the freeloaders?

Inb4 The clear sign that EVE is going to be shut down soon. The end is near. :psyccp:


:wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

Look for some interesting Black Friday sales from CCP.

the discounted PLEX bundle for 20k PLEX with the 20% discount is the cheapest way to sub…

do the maths yourself… with the discount with prices being around the same (£349 for 20k PLEX)
that lets you sub 3x accounts for 2 years each…
3x omega for 2yr each - (6600 PLEX per 2yr sub) = 19800PLEX
price of said PLEX with 20% discount = around £349
so … each account as above figures = a grand total of £116 and 30 pence.

check the figures for buying omega with a 2 year sub with the 20% discount jsut now around £171+ something … for 3 x omega would cost around £513
go figure …
the only bad side is that you need to dedicate to parting with large chunk of cash to get the better overall deal.
omegaing by PLEX is by far the cheaper option.

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it isn’t check my post further down.

All I know is PLEX’ing your account in-game is going to get a lot more expensive. Those who pay really aren’t interested in subsidizing skillpoint/PI farms.


I’m just one month into playing this game. I know about PLEX’ing an account in game (but don’t do it, I bought the Omega subscription). Also I’m starting to do some PI, but have no idea what a skillpoint is.

Seems a bit more complicated than those who pay are subsidizing those who don’t. A PI farm can be run by an Alpha or Omega player. A PI farm is all about generating an ISK income. Maybe some Omega players buy their ISK with Plex, but I’d guess most make it the same as an Alpha, with one of the methods being PI. I’ve not bought any ISK, I am mainly following the industry branch (one of the four main career paths). I’m also interested in some Exploration stuff.

Seems like they could certainly simplify this by removing the option to buy the Omega subscription with Plex and have it be a cash only subscription. Although simple is probably not what they want.

You cannot start exploiting a planet as an Alpha. Must be Omega to do P.I

Um the things you are training for PI, those are skills and skill points

Ah, missed that, since I have the Omega sub, I didn’t notice that. But Arthur seemed to imply that an Alpha could run a PI farm.

I guess I still have a lot to learn, now I have now idea what he was talking about. I thought he was talking about Alphas.

CCP isn’t going to allow Alphas to do anything that would ■■■■ up the economy or earn a passive income.

Easy to do, understandable.

That isn’t the way I read it but maybe he’ll be back to expound on his post.

I do too! And it’s very hard for me to understand everything in the game. I’ll get there one day though. Small steps…

I guess he was saying that not everyone who buys Omega want to do P.I

So people who do PI farms or farm skillpoints probably paid to first be omega, then just PLEX their accounts afterwards.