PLEX for game time question

PLEX is temporarily down as a result of the 25% PLEX sale. It may remain in the 5.8-5.9m price range until after Black Friday. After that, I don’t really see anything stopping a gradual rise again.

I don’t have a problem with freeloading in and of itself. Where I have the problem is that the freeloaders are often the whiniest people in all of Eve.

Incidentally, I’d imagine wildbill213 and wildbill214 are also you. It may be fine if all you ever do is industry, but if you ever need alts for nefarious activities its not a good idea to effectively advertise that they are the same person :slight_smile:

Ya, this is just for Industry. I don’t expect to ever get a bad reputation with anybody, but I guess you never know.

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