How much m3 for salvaging?

Great. A quick google about salvaging seems to not explain what kind of cargo you will need?

If you salvage large wrecks, for instance, will a successful salvage probably yield 10m3? 100m3? What?

No. Salvage is allways small m3 , y can salvage tons of wrecks and still not fill a destroyed cargo


Great that’s all I needed to know man.

Salvage from salvaging wrecks is small volume. 0.01m3 per item is typical. Some is relatively valuable.

The loot (items dropped in the wrecks) can add up - especially large modules from mission battleships (a single looted cruise missile launcher is 20m3). I can’t normally handle the loot from the bigger level 4 missions in my T1 mission battleship - the MTU takes a lot of space as well. It’s pot luck, but some missions can give some rather nice loot.
That and a fussy sense of tidiness means I normally salvage and loot my wrecks. I normally bookmark the mission site and come back in a dedicated salvage ship.

of course, hauling and selling all that junk is a pain in the neck. I’ve got hangars full of the stuff I ought to shift…


Nice. I just realized when at work I should be salvaging pirate victims out here. So I whipped together a 4.4m algos hull and made my first 2mil on a battle cruiser wreck

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size of ship that turn into wrecks doesn’t matter a bit. Some may have the same amount or just a lil bit more, but just cause you killed a BS doesn’t mean its gonna have significant more loot than a frig.

@Terak_Romaller if the cost wouldn’t exceed the profit, hire someone to haul your stuff out, that way you won’t turn into a loot pinata.

Bigger/size is possibly a bit vague. Sorry.

Battleships wrecks compared to Frigate wrecks;
Not “more loot” or “better loot” but “bulkier loot”.
It’s the bulk (in m3) that is a headache with some loot.

The wreck contains modules appropriate for the skip - so you may get a light missile launcher from a frigate, and a cruise launcher from a battleship. You don’t get cruise launchers or grapplers from frigate wrecks.

What I’ve occasionally seen in missions are faction fitted battleships. True Sansha ships for example that drop faction modules which can be worth several tens of millions. Rare but a nice find.

Alistair, I am now waiting for a new thread from you giving your opinion about how to salvage optimally to all newbies.

(I am bad, i know, to poke the bear, but i could not resist…)


Maybe you will at least understand one game mechanics…


Use an algos for 3mil fit and can use two salvagers at 35% with base skills. Can salvage low sec freely.

Tons of t2 and t3 wrecks out there no one takes time to salvage.

nope, use a catalyst because 8 salvagers.
5 salvage drones are basically the same as one salvager. Just, worse.

salvage drones are practically useless once you shoot the rats fast enough.
if CCP made T2 drones with double the speed, five times the range, and half the salvager delay, those would become usefull. Maybe. Not even sure.

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where are you based? i could take it all off your hands for a good price

To get everything to fit to make the ship a little more useful and safe requires 4.1m (instead of the 3mil) and can only use 4 salvagers (instead of 2 so not much improvement over all). I’d rate it similar to the Algos. Maybe weaker.

[Catalyst, *Simulated Catalyst Fitting]
Damage Control II
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Warp Core Stabilizer I

5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive

Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I

Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I

[Algos, Salvager]
Damage Control I
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Warp Core Stabilizer I

Small Shield Extender II
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Small Shield Extender II

Salvager I
Salvager I

Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I

I’ve not got access to my fittings, but I find the Dragoon makes a very satisfying salvager - five high slots, and a full flight of drones, either light combat or salvage. You can fit for more cargo or a reasonable tank. Very happy with it.

Of the right high slot destroyers then the Coercer is worth considering: reasonable capacitor, good number of low slots.

But then I like Amarrian ships…

search sig amp, gives more target.

DC, WCS are useless. Too much CPU/target malus, not enough EHP/slippery gain. You wil be shot before you can even align out.

Instead get a cap battery in the mid to be able to sustain the salvagers.

Long ago I tooted around Lowsec in a stabbed frig salvaging everything I could find, wasn’t a bad way to live.

That actually sounds like a legit fun career path. Combat probes I’m assuming to locate mission runners?

Imicus makes best salvaging ship, algos too clumbsy

Ninja salvaging is indeed a thing. But I think skimming the lowsec for specialty wrecks will be best? If you can do it right under pirate noses more power to you lol