I recently started playing EVE Online again. I played this game back in 2010 and 2017, but I was always more or less a noob.
Right now, my favorite activity is to mine asteroids. Thanks to the AIR missions, I managed to get two Ventures equipped with Miner II modules. I mostly mine Kernite and Jaspet in low-sec areas, always ready to warp away at the first sign of danger. So far, I haven’t been bothered much by anyone and have managed to avoid unwanted PvP.
However, things changed this weekend. I kept running into a pirate player who is using Venture fitted with guns and a module that blocks my ability to warp away and slowing my movement. Every time he found me (which happened multiple times this weekend), he killed me, costing me my Venture, two Miner II modules (which really hurts my wallet), and almost always a full mining hold.
I understand that PvP is part of the game, especially in low-sec, but I find it frustrating that some people seem to enjoy hunting noob miners. I can only imagine that they didn’t get much love from their mothers or something.
During our last encounter, this guy spent about 45 minutes hunting me, following me to every asteroid field I visited. He must have warped to my location 15 times, finding me within about three minutes each time. At first, I thought he’d eventually lose interest, but while I was at least achieving something by filling my mining hold, he was just warping from place to place, wasting his time and, honestly, his life.
Unfortunately, one time he warped almost directly to my location—within 6 km. I wasn’t paying attention for a few seconds, and in that time, he managed to target me, slow my movement, and disable my warp drive. He killed me in a matter of seconds (and those two combat drones I have? Useless ).
Here are my questions:
- I’ve tried googling ways to escape these warp blockers and came across “Interdiction Nullifiers.” Will they work against this guy? Or is there another module I could use to counter this?
- How is he always able to find me? Does he have some kind of probes covering the entire solar system? Is there anything I can do to stop him?
- Are people who spend their time hunting miners just unloved, mentally challenged, violent, or some combination of these?
- Does insurance help cover the loss?
- Why he keeps killing my escape pod? Does that make him feel even better about his life?