How to defend against people who hunt miners?


I recently started playing EVE Online again. I played this game back in 2010 and 2017, but I was always more or less a noob.

Right now, my favorite activity is to mine asteroids. Thanks to the AIR missions, I managed to get two Ventures equipped with Miner II modules. I mostly mine Kernite and Jaspet in low-sec areas, always ready to warp away at the first sign of danger. So far, I haven’t been bothered much by anyone and have managed to avoid unwanted PvP.

However, things changed this weekend. I kept running into a pirate player who is using Venture fitted with guns and a module that blocks my ability to warp away and slowing my movement. Every time he found me (which happened multiple times this weekend), he killed me, costing me my Venture, two Miner II modules (which really hurts my wallet), and almost always a full mining hold.

I understand that PvP is part of the game, especially in low-sec, but I find it frustrating that some people seem to enjoy hunting noob miners. I can only imagine that they didn’t get much love from their mothers or something.

During our last encounter, this guy spent about 45 minutes hunting me, following me to every asteroid field I visited. He must have warped to my location 15 times, finding me within about three minutes each time. At first, I thought he’d eventually lose interest, but while I was at least achieving something by filling my mining hold, he was just warping from place to place, wasting his time and, honestly, his life.

Unfortunately, one time he warped almost directly to my location—within 6 km. I wasn’t paying attention for a few seconds, and in that time, he managed to target me, slow my movement, and disable my warp drive. He killed me in a matter of seconds (and those two combat drones I have? Useless :cry:).

Here are my questions:

  1. I’ve tried googling ways to escape these warp blockers and came across “Interdiction Nullifiers.” Will they work against this guy? Or is there another module I could use to counter this?
  2. How is he always able to find me? Does he have some kind of probes covering the entire solar system? Is there anything I can do to stop him?
  3. Are people who spend their time hunting miners just unloved, mentally challenged, violent, or some combination of these?
  4. Does insurance help cover the loss?
  5. Why he keeps killing my escape pod? Does that make him feel even better about his life?


He probably uses one or multiple Warp Scrambler(s). The Countermodule would be a Warp Core Stabilizer.

Your Venture equipped with a Warp Core Stabilizer (you have to activate it, it doesn’t work passively!) has a Warp Core Strength of (1)+4, because your Venture already has +2 Warp Core Strength built into the ship and the Warp Core Stabilizer would give another +2. That means he needs 5 points of Warp Disruption to stop you from warping. If he uses 2 normal Scrams, you will get away. If he uses 3 Scrams or 1 normal + 1 Faction Scrambler, you won’t.

I would recommend that you instantly warp off if you see any other ship appearing at your belt, even if it is another Venture. In LowSec people will try to use any trick they can pull off to kill you. They don’t care if you are a “noob miner”, the rules are simple: If you can’t survive in LowSec, you don’t deserve the resources of LowSec.

He can see in the Local Chat that you are in the system and the places where you could be are pretty limited. That means he can just check the Directional Scanner to find you, or, fit an Expanded Probe Launcher (maybe even on an Altchar) and scan you down with Combat Probes.

Thats a rude and childish question. If you want help, you should focus on trying to improve yourself instead of judging others over the way they play the game. Whole EVE is an open PvP arena and you willingly leave the higher-security areas to grab the more lucrative resources. This will of course paint a target at your back and if he is able to repeatedly kill you, you should try to learn how to avoid that. He is doing something right, you don’t.

No. The expensive part of a Venture loss is the Fit and the Cargo. Insurance only covers the hull, which is incredibly cheap.

Because he can and you let him. Again, stop judging others, try to improve yourself.


Unwanted PVP Myth.

No, they will not work. Those are meant for NullSec and Bubbles. You want a warp stabiliser module and even that will not be a 100% if he has multiple scram modules.

He could, but he could also be just using Dscan to find you. If lazy he could have just simply warped belt to belt since you didn’t bother to dock up or leave system while hunted.

If it wasn’t against forum rules I would have called you an [insert common insult].

Yes, but not by much

Pod have implants sometimes, but most simply like collecting the corpses as trophy. Also for the simple reason that you can. You are indeed an [insert common insult].

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Thank you very much for your detailed answer, I apppreciate it.

You didn’t comment on Interdiction Nullifiers, should I understand it as they are not worth it in comparsion with Warp core stabilizers?

Also, I had no clue chat can use such an important role in determining who is in the system, thanks for the tip!

In the topic of probes - can I destroy or hide myself from these? Thanks.

Thats a rude and childish question. If you want help, you should focus on trying to improve yourself instead of judging others…

Btw, I don’t think it’s childish. Maybe I just come from the different social environment.
Of course, it depends if you are in favor of the fair fight. If you personally prefer to attack smaller/weaker/impaired opponents then you can take it as childish. If you want to fight only equal opponents, or simply people who want to fight with you, then you would find it reasonable.

If you seek fair fights, EVE isn’t the right game for you. The game is explicitly simulating a dark, harsh, unvorgiving, cruel and unfair universe where basically every trick, betrayal, scam and crime is allowed - and supported by the developers of the game. You might find it adequate to play the white knight, and you are free to do so in this game. Try it and look how far you come. Others are free to play the villain, the assassin that leaves you absolutely zero chance of fighting back, the thug who brings 10 friends and enjoys beating a single target down. This is EVE. And this is what makes EVE so great. Build a reputation, make connections, solve your problems in whatever way you see fit.

I am an absoltuely friendly and helpful person, but I would kill and pod you anytime if you can’t make it out if the way of my guns. Because I believe I do you a service with that, I show you where you lack skill or knowledge. See it as a chance to grow. And if you decide not to, your loss. And that loss is bigger than the loss of that Venture.


If you seek fair fights, EVE isn’t the right game for you.

Well, I was wondering why I have 3 gameplay accounts, one from 2007, one from 2010 and one from 2017. Maybe I always ended up with this conclusion :smiley: Or maybe I always thought things would be different this time. I just hate watching when someone harass or make fun of obviously weaker or impaired people. I just want the world to be good and fair.

You said that you know this is a PvP game. You stated that. You know that this is a game where players will indeed fight you. You chose to play this game. It was your choice.

You don’t deserve any advice because of your words here. You were in a Venture being hunted by a Venture. Fights don’t get anymore fair than that.



@Leeon_Jones I was going to offer some helpful advice, right up until the point where you compared getting ganked in a video game to IRL SA. After that, I’ve got nothing for you. Figure it out on your own.

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If someone compares in-game losses to real-life ones the problem is with his way of thinking not the game nor its players.

Also if someone blames others for his mistakes and failures instead of learning from them then that is also on him not the game nor others.

This meme below perfectly illustrates the above two and how it is a flawed way of thinking and how such people tend to never get out of the cycle of trying to come up with excuses instead of facing the truth about their mindset.


Other advise has been offered above, Nullifier wont work on a venture, but simply warp away when he arrives on grid, he is a venture so he isnt cloaked or anything, just warp away and dock, move a system over maybe or wait him out

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Now, back to your kill

You were mining kaspet and kernite

this site give you an evaluation of the value

With those options

You can se you were 170 isk/m³

With those options

You can see you get more from specific anoms in HS border.

And with those

You can see that daytripping in pochven would net you more than 3 times as much.

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Fair is as you make it stick. In Eve fair is generally on the side that has the bigger or the most guns. That goes for good as well. This game promotes a virtual darwinian approach. Those that can survive and thrive will.

In Eve all that matters is how you well you can fly, fight, and make Isk. After that it is all a matter of flavor. If you are a self starter and can take the initiative. You will have a good start in the game. But you also have to have the mindset that of being willing to take chances to get to where you want to be.

Along the way there is a steep learning curve. One that is unforgiving when you make a mistake. Joining a corp is key to getting ahead of that learning curve. There are more than few new player friendly corps. Uni is the oldest one. Though there are others. Research them and find one that fits you the best.

If you have someone is actively hunting you. It might be time to either learn how to fight or find somewhere else to be.


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Thanks for the resources. I’ll look into it.

There is an another reason I was mining these ores tho. I have Rupture BP and because best ship I had at the moment was Trasher, my idea was I’ll mine Kernite/Jaspet variations for reprocessing into minerals I could use for crafting these new bigger ships and sell regular Kernite/Jaspet on the market.

Thank you. I already trained and obtained Warp Core Stabilizers as recommended here.

I actually didn’t know these nulifiers can’t be even equipped on the Venture.

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I didn’t specificially say I was aware of the fact it’s PvP game. I didn’t actually even know it’s PvP game. I said “part of the game is PvP”.
I thought it’s PvP/PvE game, means I didn’t install this game so I could fight other people, I installed this game because I was thinking I’ll be hauling cargo and mine ore. Maybe I didn’t start playing this game with realization in my mind that I’ll get attacked by people all the time. Honestly, I really believed this game had optional PvP elements, like World of Warcraft where you can just opt out of fighting other players.

I don’t have much to say about your comment because it’s really not relevant to the point of my original post or why I made it. I didn’t came here to blame other people and to ask, on the side, how to defend against them. I came to ask how to fight, how to avoid this situation, and then, on the side, to say how I despise mentality of these people.

My most important questions in my post were:

  1. How to defend myself and 2) How can people find me and how to protect myself.

Maybe you translated my post in the way you liked it and that’s why meme fitted into everything.

I despise people who attack industrial players. I always hated it and I’ll always hate it. It comes from my personal belief that people should leave people who like industrial gameplay alone and honestly, agree or disagree, I don’t really care.

I’ve responded to the replies you gave in the thread which are also part of the thread. :wink:

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. :wink:

Correct. :blush:

And that’s where your unfounded frustration comes from. This is a game, and most people playing it play it for that and take it as such, a game. They can differentiate fiction from reality. You on the other hand for whatever reason can’t. The reason is unimportant though also can uncover a lot of details, but for this subject not entirely relevant.

Are you the type of person who balmes Counter-Strike when a kid shoots up a school in real-life and subscribe to the “violence in video games causes real-life violence”?

Are you also the type that subscribes to the age old nonsesense that tabletop RPGs (specifically D&D) leads to kids and people become occultists and devil worshipers?

This is how ridiculous your way of thinking is: “people blowing up space pixels in a vid’ya game are evil”, this is your theory, and it is (outside of a few exceptions) is clear to see nonsense.

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“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

Well, when he killed me for the first time I just saw him as fellow miner who came to mine some ore with me and I was dead 20 seconds later.

Our second meeting turned into me running away and surviving him for 40 minutes. I didn’t have time to post on this forum to ask how to stop that, Mr.

And to the rest of your comment. I’m kind of person who is watching how someone plays the game. If you enjoy torturing kids with a flametorch for long hours (in the game) I obviously believe you are not completely normal, what can I say? You are obviously on the opposite end of understanding human behaviour in computer games. If you think your game behaviour has no connection to real You I disagree.

Funny I’m the one who is calling people names but in literally first response to my post I’ve learned I’m an idiot. Answer to my question #3 in the original post could be “They are violent”. If you are not violent, you don’t attack people on sight.