How To Handle 'PvE Only'

Is it considered rude to Rat from Belt to Belt while in an Orca?

Stop whining about it.

Topics like this make me sick. I read how Overwatch plans to add PvE to their game. Probably good thing I dropped it before they did that sequel. What is up with adding all this Carebear nonsense to an open world PvP sandbox game? I have played Apex Legends and I never understand their cut-scenes, they attempt to add lore or character development to a game where you drop from a ship and just kill everything and everyone. Yet in the cuts you see them hanging out in a bar together being friends and even siblings at a party hanging with psychotics.

To give you an idea where I am coming from, imagine making a horror MMO. Then in the plot you tell everyone the serial killer whackos don’t really kill their victims. I know why this is done, they need to keep the PG-13, Teen, or Pegi rating system low. Then they can assure all the soccer moms, who allow little Jimmy to play, the game will not affect their child in a negative way. Even Eve Online does this with “clone death” but we have all seen how this kind of “fake death” cheapens life.

I don’t expect anyone here to understand or agree with me. Go ahead and ham-fist your sunshine, unicorns, and rainbows in a relatively adult dystopian game. PvP games are a great way to relieve pent up stress, if they cause you stress then I suspect you should not be playing them at all.


Such an advanced future…where they can’t lock Stargates for -10 characters. Very “futuristic” indeed. You know good and well there are always “nice” neighborhoods, so to speak. Eve is far enough along to where some areas would have moved past “dystopian”.

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Indeed, most of high sec is full of braindead zombie farmers treating the game like a second below minimum wage job simulator.


Lol…classic carebear view of automatic ‘progress’. I suspect The Expanse is closer to the real future, and it has many aspects similar to Eve. That includes piracy…because the very nature of a supposedly utopian society is that some are never going to be content with the ‘equality’ on offer.

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The “realism” argument doesn’t work well, because if you apply realistic standards to one aspect, you have to apply it to all of them.

Which would include such things as executions/terminations for anyone who destroys an empire navy vessel, which something like 60% of the game’s population is very fond of doing as part of grinding their high-sec missions.


What do you mean?

Calling this thread a circle jerk is being very generous

Focusing only on pve leads to burn out.

What does focusing on PvP lead to?

Friendships, good times, tense moments, laughter and tears, “the shakes”, creation of in-jokes, funny happenstances, schenanigans, bathing in explosions, frantic panic, suave moves, breath-holding moments, stronger bonds, recognizing opponents you grow to appreciate, figuring out fights and playstyles that jive with you, learning how to counter those that don’t, a better acceptance of the brutality and conflict of the universe.

All in all it leads to “a blast” in every meaning of the word.


I don’t disagree with what you said. I also think that the Eve Universe is big enough for people that want to do PvE and be left alone. I personally like both.

I appreciate the sentiment, but this is the wrong game for that. Almost every other single game on the market caters to your sentiment, and those folks should go there.


You would rather people leave the game than allow them to play the way they want? I don’t get it. I think you’d be surprised at how many of CCP’s paying subscribers prefer PvE over PvP. Further, how does people having a “safe haven” hinder your play style? I think “safe spaces” in the Real World are pretty silly, but this is a game that needs subscribers to pay for it.

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Well, yes.

Because otherwise, we would have to leave the game since there would be nothing left in it for us, since open-world PvP was the reason why we even started playing this game so many years ago. The big difference is that this game was actually made for us, and we’ve been supporting it for a very long time, while the players you wish stayed here instead of us are contemporary casual gamers who treat EVE like a temporary distraction and have no long-term ties or loyalty to the product.

Why should we allow them to come in and displace us from one of the few games on the market that give us what we want?


Yes, I would rather people leave a game they don’t want and I allow them to play the way they want. I don’t shame people for not playing Eve and I don’t make fun of people for the games they do play.

I don’t force people to play games they don’t like and I don’t try to force other peoples’ games to cater to my demands under the make-believe that if they catered to my dollars specifically, then the game would be more successful.

All completely unlike you.


Focusing on pvp leads to more pve but still not the same as pvp only pvp that doesn’t lead to burn out. (rob and steal to support pvp scenario)

What could lead to burn out is when the Capsuleer is spending ching-ching to pvp only.

Mix it up with a balance of both and we can see this in the latest content release where a pvp capsuleer are also offerend pve content.

My understanding might be different to other Capsuleers as pve only would cause burn out.