Skill injectors actually give people an incentive to farm since they can use their isk to buy power for their character that’s impossible for any ganker to destroy. It actually helps give it a sense of progression. I know that’s how I am able to fly many things. When I got the orca, I skill injected the skills little by little as I made more isk until I was able to fly it and then proficiently.
the point of the game is to have fun playing it, not to pay your bills. work your job, earn money, buy plex and convert it to ISK! simple as that!
That’s how i got blops and HIC’s yeah haha.
I rerolled a character recently (that I sold on the Bazaar), and to be honest, the new player progression seemed OK. I trained the character very Amarr focussed. Got an Execturioner, and started level 1-2 missions, then got a Harbinger to do level 3 missions and finally an Apocalypse to do level 4. In the end I trained all the way to Paladins, which make level 4s a breeze. Paladins also open the doors to Incursions (but alternatively, you could train Logistics 5 and get in that way as well, if that’s more your thing).
Level 4 missions will net you about 40m-60m per hour, while the incursions will do about 100m-120m per hour (but it can take a while to get picked up in the fleet, during which you can just run missions )
I’m not saying you can do this all ‘for free’ over the course of a weekend, but if you set your training plan and give it the time it needs, do your missions on the side etc, it goes reasonably fast. You can spend a few hours a day to raise the mission standings and slowly work your way to level 4 while you train the skills.
Once you can do level 3s, it’s worth to just go do the SoE arc as well (The Blood Stained Stars ). It gives a really nice standing boost, some decent ISK, and you can pretty much do it with an OK-fit destroyer (or a T2 frigate). The whole thing takes about 3h-4h if you’re new.
I guess that’s the best advice I can give, just keep on skilling, work your standings. That’ll help you get to the next level of missions, which will net you bigger payouts. Once you’re confident in your ship and skills and you can make some ISK, you can always go apply to one of the bigger alliances and try your hands on 0.0 or WH ratting, running the combat sites, exploration, …
As for PvP, it can be lucrative, but as always. Don’t fly it if you can’t afford to replace it. Try some PVP once you have the ISK to replace your (inevitable) losses. For that you can either approach the same 0.0 groups as above, WH groups, or just try low sec pirating or faction warfare.
In a paladin? Good god man.
I didn’t blitz. Just casually cruising through without hassle or stress. 60m in bounties seems about right, from what I remember. Never bothered much with the LP / loot.
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