How to solve over usage of the Capital Ships?

We’re drifting off-topic here, but I just felt the need to emphasize this. In order to “make back the cost of the Hulk hull”, you have to take into account how much you could have mined if you had used a Covetor instead and how much less the Covetor hull would have cost.

A max-skilled Hulk mines about 18% more than a max-skilled Covetor (15% reduction in cycle time = 1/0.85 = 1.176 increase in yield) but costs 12-13 times more (hull only). To truly justify the cost of the Hulk, you need to mine long enough for that 18% extra to pay for 11-12 Covetors. Depending on what you’re mining and how long you’re mining per day, that may, indeed, only be a day or two, but I’ve seen a lot of people make this mistake.

As for Hulk/Covetor vs other barges when mining in a fleet, if you have a Rorq present and a solid response fleet standing by, there’s no reason to use anything other than a Hulk/Covetor. PANIC is your tank, so go for max yield. The other barges are more useful in other situations.


It is a good time to note that all of this is the result of unnecessary ship creep.

There was never any need for anything more than the carriers.

The rest is unimaginative fluff to lure customers that actually undermines the sandbox.


I love how people say if your mining solo or in dangerous places use a procurer as if some how having twice the tank is really going to help you if a gang has you locked…
But the id literally use a covetor because cost+effectiveness+how often id use it - risk… if i mined all the time… id probably use a hulk.

Well a Procurer won’t help against a gang, you’re right about that. But it does help against the solo bomber that’s trying to pick of easy kills. Or to kill the rats that inevitably spawn in your location. That’s when a Procurer shines for solo mining.

i would dock and swap ship tbh

Develop a Sub-Cap ship or hunter class type of Battle Ship that when in small wolf packs would be able to be more than a match for Dreads and Carriers. From what I have seen is when a Dread or Carrier is on the field mucking things up that other Dreads and Carriers must be launched to counter it.

Not everyone wants to field a Dred or Carrier against a Cap, too expensive, prone to attracting more and more caps, etc. Having a Sub-cap Hunter BS would allow more pilots to engage a Cap without fearing the loss of their Cap ship.

Wrong, the fluff, is meant to give players numerous options on how they decide to play their hand in the game. Limiting the number and types of ship in the game counter-productive the game itself.

Having unnecessary ships like you mention creates stagnation as players old and new alike will not have anything new and exciting to train for.

Eve Online is not curtailing the experience to the old and bitter. Eve Online is about opening up new avenues so that the niche can effectively be kept full of new players and content, otherwise that day will come when the sudden alpha strike of boredom ends Eve Online because of the lack of versatility and choices of ships.

Then you have not seen nearly enough.

Two things, reduce the jump range of combat capitals and increase the time it takes them to escape combat/increase the ways to keep a fight happening. Capital ships that can escape destruction are capital ships that aren’t destroyed (Real advanced stuff here, I know)

Everything is the way it is because eve is “Go big or go home” right now. There’s no reason to do anything small.

It’s a compounding issue that is only made worse by the unchecked amounts of mining that has been happening in game. CCP could have just made ore anom’s respawn once every 2-3 days in line with asteroid replenishment, but instead untold amounts of farming pushed an ongoing issue further into hell.

Increasing the production cost doesn’t do anything but help the big guy even more.
Can we stop feeding the mega groups with updates and force them to downsize some, giving room for the little guys to not get dropped 23/7?

I know swaths of people have quit or are on break due to this issue, people in my area even. We are tired of having 5 supers+ respond to everything unless we put our big stuff out there, in which case the don’t even try to fight as we outnumber them.
Capitals have a place and a use in the game, but right now they are the best for everything and cost is no longer a limiting factor for any kind of balance in any ship.

Remove rorquals from the game.

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I’m afraid increasing resource cost will just increase the power gap that favours the blocs. I agree with lowering insurance payouts.

I also liked @CCP_Falcon’s no cynos in LS idea which is 100% absolutely guaranteed to get implemented :stuck_out_tongue:

Unironic, straightforward question, purely for context: when did you start playing? Was it before Jump Fatigue was introduced, immediately after it was introduced when it still had punishing penalties for jumping before your fatigue timer wore off, or more recently when those penalties were reduced?

I only ask because what you’re asking for sounds surprisingly similar to the second phase I described above, and CCP nyxed that. (No pun intended.)

Wait what? I missed that where was it? I assume they are keeping covert cynos?

I think I started playing over 5 years ago, but I really didn’t have a good grasp on the game for the first year, or at least until the end of the 2nd year.

I asked at EvE North during the AMA what they were doing to make low sec great again. Fozzie said he’d like to make improvements to FW, Falcon said he’d like to kill cynos in low sec.

I think if they did that small gang pvp would have a place to thrive again.

Agreed 110%, the threat of a capital hot drop is a major deterrent to pursuing small corp conflicts since the meta, caps, is something most of the small corps in low sec do not have.

Honestly, I think CCP painted themselves into a corner. Capitals should be great at busting citadels and great at busting each other. Moderately good at dealing with large subs (battleships) and utterly hopeless against something even the size of a cruiser. On the flip side, busting citadels should be damn near impossible for subs.

Nothing about capitals is a root cause for hot-drops. They can titan-bridge subs on you and the 250-300 dudes that just bridged onto a small gang roam will obviously win hard.

In this day and age, there’s more structure bashing than ever. Capitals should be useful for siege. The wide variety of capitals we have kind of makes that hard to accomplish. But, said capitals should 100% require a subcap fleet for escort.

So, in summary:

  1. Caps are good at killing citadels (supers better at killing things like keeps) but bad at killing most subs
  2. Subs are decent at killing unsupported capitals (by virtue of not taking any overwhelming amount of damage, exactly like how a couple frigates can easily kill a battleship), but a citadel is going to murderfuck their faces
  3. a) Small structures only in HS (which could be handled by battleships)
    b) Small and medium structures in lowsec (no supercapitals allowed in lowsec, brings small gang ■■■■ back there on account of no titty bridges)
    c) Small medium and large structures in null/WH, where there are no rules
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