Sweeping generalizations are never good, he had an out cyno, but he pre-lit it which was dumb, also he did not plan for people ready to kill his out cyno’s which is what I do. But to declare anyone being ganked by CODE as a moron is well just wrong and likely to be trolling. And telling you that is not trolling.
The Orca was bait. It had nothing but a massive tank. The purpose was to get their supercaps occupied, because we’d been keeping tabs on them and knew that everyone on at the time would be hotdropping. Didn’t take much to secure their system. Didn’t even have to flip it, just lock it down and lay siege to it. After some negotiation (and threatening to hand the system to an enemy) we secured two R64 towers, and lifted the siege. It took about 4-5 hours total. Yes, the Orca pilot had a lot of experience baiting people. At the end of the day, one Orca for two R64s is a pretty good trade.
So bringing up some poor joke from a poor show about poorly written characters that lack humanity is ok?
We will make mistakes over and over untill we learn. Or not. We dont have to resort to insults.
Yes, it’s okay. It’s a joke. Whether you enjoy the joke or not is irrelevant, it’s still a joke, and was intended as a joke. Settle down with the speech policing, please. The moment you start trying to tell me what I can and can’t say, or the shows that I’m not allowed to find funny, I’ll start doing it even more just to remind you that I can.
For the record, the ‘idiots’ line was a direct reply to the “doing the same thing over and over…” part of your post. People who don’t learn from their mistakes are, indeed, idiots.
Flexibility is the ability to bend when we find ourselves in unworkable positions. A universal characteristic of insanity is inflexibly doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results. Flexibility in the face of changing circumstances, by contrast, is a hallmark of mental health.
You are on your own then. Listen to me or dont listen to me. Your choice. You are responsible for your own words, until deemed legally incapacitated.
I don’t even know what the hell you’re trying to say to me right now. Are you accusing me of something? Are you going armchair psychologist on me? I’ve personally never had a problem adapting to new circumstances so I really don’t know why you’re telling me all this unless you’ve (accidentally or intentionally) developed uninformed and untrue notions of me as a player and/or person. Whatever it is, you probably need to calm down.
Oh look. I was in this thread as the 2nd post and since then till you arrived trying to vent your IRL frustrations online here and for attention since you got wrecked in another thread!
And then you noticed I got bored of you in the other thread, and came looking for me to harass me more. I’m reporting you to CCP via a ticket for harassing me on the forums, because that’s all you’re doing now.
LOL, Ive had this thread on watch since it began and have participated in it many times since well before you appeared back on these boards yesterday. I didnt come here for you, I came because I got update blip regarding this thread.
I know and understand why you have difficulty understanding that other peoples lives don’t revolve around you, but that’s not my or the communities problem.
Your first action here was to try and poopoo on people/start fights/vent frustration whereas mine have been, since 2nd post in thread, to explain and help OP, as fitting of the topic.
Whatever you did at the start of the thread is irrelevant. What you did just now in response to me is harassment. I actually came here to tell stories and mingle, which is all I did.
I’m not doing this with you, Salvos. Whatever your personal vendetta is with me right now, I’m not going to take your bait and get into another match with you. If you want to satisfy your urge to argue for the sake of arguing, you’re not going to get it from me. I recommend Reddit for that crap.
First thing you did here, was call someone a moron, and call an alliance terribad.
Then you started picking to get a fight with Drac and Nana.
Then you had the audacity to claim me answering and helping OP, as being “irrelevant”, or that Im “stalking” you here when Ive been here since the beginning.
No, it’s not. Learn to identify humour. There was no ill intent in that post. Everyone that’s experienced fighting against NC. had a little smile on their face when they read that post, because they know what I mean by it. You don’t, because you lack that experience.
You want it to be a fact because it gives you a reason to continue to have a personal vendetta against me. You just want to argue, all the time. You’re obsessed with arguing with me. Dude, get a hobby.