HSBB Security Deposit - Merlin Skytower

This is a public record of a security deposit of 3b ISK.

The reason for this security deposit is that Highsec Buyback will give corporation wallet access to Merlin Skytower, to take on a job as contract manager.

@Merlin_Skytower please transfer 3.15b ISK to @Eden_Trade (3b deposit plus the 5% fee of 150m). HSBB will reimburse the 5% fee to Merlin Skytower.

The deposit shall be paid back when Merlin Skytower resigns from his position. The security deposit shall be paid to Highsec Buyback, when proof can be provided that Merlin Skytower took 3b ISK or more from Highsec Buyback without paying it back. Proof will be given as screenshots to the public, and as API access to Eden Trade.

EVE - Merlin Skytower (gyazo.com)
Confirming my deposit. Paid in Full

Hey, I think this stuff is more appropriate for the services subsection, than for the Market Discussion subsection.

Anyway, good luck with your business.


Something we agree on. All loan offers and weird loan posts deserve to be placed well off the front page of market discussion.

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Will post future ones in the services section.

@Eden_Trade has confirmed the transactions.

Reimbursed the fee to @Merlin_Skytower

you can move it there yourself, just by editing the first post and moving it to services… FYI.

Thanks, done!

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