Huge officer mod collection + AT ships

thread back up, also have 1x estamel torp & 1x estamel cruise onsale

Thread up. Will update the full list once current sales are dealt with, 1-2d

Took a bit but thread up w/new info on available mods

Trade your officer stack for an imp?

sorry I’m looking to liquidate and an imp isn’t gonna be much easier to sell once 140 turbogarmurs get released :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck though.

haha fair enough can’t argue with that.

Back up. I’ve got a couple mails outstanding I’m gonna reply to at some point. Been busy lately, sorry if I’ve missed anyone

PM’d you in game

Any idea when these will be released?

No, I talked to some people who are getting the prizes and it’s still a work in progress from CCP. Historically there have sometimes been big delays on prizes coming out.

Thread bump. Get your last-minute xmas gifts here; drac & chelm neuts, tobi web, and a few bling guns still available!

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