Hypernet - scam scheme - be aware!

You don’t have to agree with it, I’ve just explained what the likely reason was and I agree with the reasoning. If you don’t then that’s on you. Won’t change the end result either way.

we also recently had a ganker corp, try to impersonate USIA and quickly had the GM’s terminate that corp.


You could say that entire ganker corp got ganked by the GMs… or in a sense they’ve ganked themselves and their corp but instead of CONCORD it was the GMs responding. :blush:




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And I’ve just explained why this makes no sense when you actually try to think about it.

no different than the people that complain they put too many zeros and didn’t receive a warning when selling something…

got caught up in a scam here that CCP supports and im ok with what happened even if OP isn’t…

Nope you’ve came up with an excuse. A bad one at that. OP had his chance but was too lazy or too rushing or whatever. If he paid attention he would not fallen for the scam. It was a legit scam in accordance with the game rules.

But anyway you don’t have to try convince me as the situation is clear so if anything you can aim your attempt at convincing at the GMs. Even if your excuse made sense (which it doesn’t) it makes no difference as the GMs enforce the rules not me.

And as I wrote personally I agree with their assessment.


Never, ever, ever, accept the copy/paste answer from a junior GM as the last word on anything. They reply on what the category of the report is most of the time. And usually haven’t even read the report they’re replying to.

Always demand an escalation. Occasionally a senior GM will actually pay attention to what you wrote and reply with a non copy/paste answer.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That’s just you making arbitrary claims.

But you are the one making the claim that the victim could have found out it was a scam.

Just because YOU would find it out, does not mean anything.

IMO there was an abuse. You did not even deny that the name was chosen specifically to induce a misunderstanding on the identity of the scammer.

I agree this whole scam could have been avoided if you had chosen not to gamble and just gave me the isk instead.

Nope, just mentioning the fact that you deliberately ignore: if the guy read the contract details he would realize it is a scam. That is why you are wrong and just making up excuses. And this is the exact reason the GM cited as well:

You don’t know that.
It’s not a fact, since I disagree with it.

However, you willingly dodged the name part, to make victim blaming instead.
Even if you would have found out it was a scam, does not change the reason why the scammer chose this name.

I believe I would not have fallen for this scam either, does not make that scam more lawful.
You don’t characterize an illegal act by your ability to recognize it.


As you keep deliberately ignoring and denying the facts and bring up subjects that were already proven to be irrelevant I take it as admission you lack any reasonable argument.

As no amount of your mental gymnastics will make the facts go away and everyone can see the facts stated in this thread, including the fact the GMs stated the reason why the scam is legal in the game and the OP is at fault.

Anyone reading this thread can learn the one true lesson: pay attention.


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You’re trying to reason with Anderson Geten.

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Your opinion is not fact.

It did not. It explained that scams in general are legal.

Nah just responded until it was clearly stated by him that he is completely ignorant of the stated facts. As he proven he’s posting in bad faith and rejecting any logic and the facts he shown his posts are meaningless.

And at the same time proven what the only realistic conclusion there is to take from this, which I’ve stated above.

His further rambling is unimportant, what matters is anyone (including newbros) reading this can learn from it and that is the only goal I had in responding to his misleading lies and derailment. People who still subscribe to his mindset will fall victim of scams as they blame others for their own mistakes, while those who care to learn will be more aware and vigilant.

Just like with PvP and whatever else. Thus what needed to come out of this exchange came to fruition, the rest of his nonsense can be ignored.



Is that Anderson Geten??


EVEwho reveals all. He had been outed before. Also part of the reason why I have him blocked since the start, pre-emptively.

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The Hyernet Seller created a “reverse” contract (Want to buy 1 Astero for 0 ISK) and send it to my character. The headline and text was edited to pretend it to be Hypernet item claim. It was very well done, and I accepted it.

Yes, it is a scam - because the intention is to extract something valuable under false pretense.

Yes, it is legal within the Eve universe.

It is actually a “phishing” attack (click bait) but very targeted.

That would explain a lot