Hypernet - scam scheme - be aware!

I thought Hypernet was a scam in general, no…?

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It’s not a scam, it is a raffle with clearly visibly stated chance.

If people think they will win then at most they scam themselves due to greed, ignorance, lack of math skills, dismissing the factual details or whatever (or a combination of those).

But the system itself was made that the raffle itself works as is described thus you will have as much a chance to win as shown by the data, no more, no less.

The rest is up to chance.

It is however impossible to turn it into a scam on its own like changing what you get instead of what was displayed or alter the chances compared to what was displayed or alter the randomization and so on.

However in creative ways like in the OP people still can run related scams but completely independent of the actual interface related to it, thus such scams are not the hypernet itself, just related to it.

Hypernet is just a CCP provided method of legalized and sanctioned (and basically operated) gambling in-game. No more, no less.

As such it is as much a scam as a casino in real-life. It is not. Unless you want to call it that because you dislike it, in which case the word becomes meaningless. It is a game of chance. Whether you want to give a try is up to you and if you do there is no way to trick you within the system itself.

Outside of it is a different matter and is unrelated.

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Here you got me raising all sorts of eyebrows, thinking that it was somehow possible to extract items without your permission via use of the hypernet lottery. But turns out you just fell for a scam contract after your hypernet win, so it’s not a gamebreaking exploit afterall.

Always read the fine print, now you know what happens if you don’t.

With fine regards
-James Fuchs


No it’s not. People are just not capable of using logic and don’t like how the issuer can game the system, but that doesn’t make it a scam.

If there are 10 nodes and you buy 1 of those then you have a 10% chance to win, it doesn’t matter who the other 9 are or if the issuer gamed himself into getting more out of it and owning (part of) that 90%. That 10% chance doesn’t change.

Moved to Crime & Punishment - EVE Online Forums.

Im confused. Is he blind? Did the scammer hack into his account and click “Accept” on his behalf? In what normal, regular scenario, where the person has eyes, understands their language to a certain degree, and has the IQ or mental development of a 10 year old or over, would they not be able to figure out this was a scam? What could possibly prevent them from finding out if this was a scam or not, other than their own faults and shortcomings?

It actually means everything, because scams are legal in EVE, and you are the one clicking “accept”.

Except that there is no such entity that oversees hypernet rewards and hands them out.

It would be no differen than if i were to create a character named “official wormhole officer” and offer to create wormholes to anywhere in the universe for 10 billion isk, paid upfront. We already know that claiming to be or have something that doesnt really exist officially in EVE, isnt agains the ToS, much like claiming to own Hisec and asking for a mining tax, doesnt get you in trouble.

If the scammer were to call himself “GM Hypernet” or something, then maybe there would be a case. But I can claim to own jita. I can sell you jita. I can name my character “owner_of_Jita 4-4”. How much would you be willing to bet, that I wouldnt get any punishment or even a warning.


Why are you condescending ? If he doesn’t know how the game works, and with the amount of mechanisms in the game, it’s normal, regular scenario, for someone who does not know how hypernet works to accept that the item is delivered by contract.

That’s exactly what this scam was about, as it looks like.

It means nothing in the context of the scam being legal or not.
Not ALL scams are legal.
Just because it’s a scam, and you would find it out, does not mean it’s legal.

According to you, it would not since

The thing is, that the existence of that entity is not important. The important part is, that the player presents itself as an NPC entity, and that’s enough to be against the ToS.
AFAIK the only presentation made was by the scammer’s name, so he presents himself as an NPC entity.

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I am the official High Princess of all NPCs.

Report me bro.



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Moving this threat to some obscure section that doesn’t risk exposing CCP as total trash… classic. I expected no less. Hypernet isnt a scam… its gambling for fun and thousands of players love it. You cant run a gambling business and not be on the right side of the odds. Expecting otherwise is foolish and is demanding that no business exists.
My point in posting here is to state AS FACT… that bugs, disappearing/reappearing items and nothing being done to fix it is also a FACT!!!
Expecting to gamble and the house to not have an edge is just dumb though.
Businesses that run in the red will fail. Only Visa card players and miners picking their income off the ground can run a failing business and still keep going. (damn shame thats the players CCP wants most)

It’s not a fact.
That’s something that you may consider true, but does not make it a fact. It’s just your opinion.
For something to be considered a fact, everybody in the discussion must acknowledge it.

Well yes, when you are playing a negative-sum game and you are not the one staging it, you are playing at a loss.
Which makes hypernet a scam, just as gambling in general.


Im not talking to him, im talking to you, and youre pretty hostile and condescending yourself.

I never said that all scams are legal. You cannot scam someone, for example, on the character exchange Bazaar.

But scams like this, as is most scams involving contracts, such as those spammed in jita where someone is saying “Buying Plex for 6 million isk per plex, 20% more than on market!!! [Contract for buying 500 plex for 6 million isk total]” is completely legal.

Now, a new player may look at that spam in jita and think “Wow, i just bought 500 plex from CCP, and this guy is buying 1 plex for 6 mill each, i gotta grab this deal quick or someone else will!!!”

If he doesnt know how the game works, and with the amount of mechanisms in the game, its normal, regular scenario, for someone who does not know how contract scams works to accept that the contract is legitimate.

And yes, its completely normal, regular for people not to be attentive, all the time. Its why people get into car accidents all the time. They were on their phone, they werent paying attention.

Guess whos fault that is, though.

I feel like there was more to this sentence.

So youre saying that if i made a character named “Official Wormhole Officer” and claimed i could make you a wormhole to anywhere in new eden for 10 billion isk, and you reported me, that I would get a warning?

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I dont think you understand what the definition of a “Scam” is.


The definition of things is whatever suits his narrative at the moment. :upside_down_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

If you pretend that you are from CCP, yes.
And even if you only make it sound like, yes again.
So if you name is made to look like you are, and you have no contact with someone except by that name, yes again.

I dunno for me it’s a learning experience, one time I paid like 40million for a tech II small microwarp drive. I learned a lesson that day don’t spam click things to just fit your ship fast. Gotta pay attention to the fine details


Merely havinga name like “official” or “NPC” or even “hypernet claim person” does not mean you are pretending you are from CCP. All the characters with similar names, proves you wrong.

The GMs disagree with you. Hypemet itern clairn still exists. If the GMs wanted to, and if this were an actual violation, his name would be changed to “Caldari Citizen 128379476128934”.

Again, the GMs disagree with you, the existance of the names of characters disagree with you, and the ticket disagrees with you.

No, this means you pretend to be an NPC. Which is against the ToS.

YOU were the one changing the topic to someone who would sell WS. I was answering for that specific question. Don’t mix the messages as if they were all answers to the same thing - they are not.

No he does not, so far. All those characters kept their name until they lost it.

Again, you are saying BS.

So would a char named “cpp” xyz be trying to impersonate ccp? Theres a lot of char starting with cpp

Again, merely naming yourself NPC is not agains the TOS.

I know this, because… Heres the proof.

What is WS?

Also, what specific question are you referring to?

And if they dont lose it, ever?

The facts prove me right.