I am an innocent person harmed by ZKillboard


ZKillboard’s ‘potential killboard padding cheater’ algorithm retroactively flags currently invisible insurance fraud kills as killboard padding when joining corporations, falsely accusing this innocent person of cheating if he ever joins a corporation.

Or even shorter, ZKillboard bad.

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My personal expierence has been the opposite. Once I had a shitty killboard with a ton of red. I was under immense pressure to fix that.

Back then when I joined a corp they asked me to explain why I have so many repeated losses in ratting ships. I said because the ratting ships are so cheap I don’t care about losing them. It’s more profitable for me to rat afk because I can get more hours in ratting afk since I can do other things while I afk. They told me that’s unacceptable.

I tried to argue I see dying to PVP as part of PVE, because I purely see it in terms of isk. They said they don’t care about my isk, and I’m selfish to think about my isk when it stinks up alliance killboard.

Since then I was forced to fix my killboard, and I’m not happy that I had to change my EVE gameplay style because of some 3rd party site.

Anyway the insurance fraud happened on my 2nd main acc, which I figured had a clean record for PVP so I could make the best out of the killboard. And then this cheater label thing happened…

I honestly did not think you could make a profit out of trashing your alts ships for the insurance still …

Yeah it’s possible…

Also people do it for other reasons, like you know with the amount of gankers and wardecs around sometimes low/null miners will turn their ores into ships and blow them up for instant ISK with insurance fraud.


I like the example he gave in the post about accusing someone of rape. I think it applies to what you said. As in, nobody should live with a label of “possible rapist”. Either they prove you’re a rapist or they drop the case. But no label should proceed without either sufficient evidence or the person having a chance to defend themself. You also can’t blame companies for not hiring the “potential rapist”. Wrong as it may be, that’s just how they do things. It’s the same in Eve.

Bollocks. You can join plenty corps in Null. Your other diatribe of a topic makes a lot more sense now.

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I agree, I too think that the way ZKillboard applies the label is wrong. Either ZKillboard actually proves you’re a killboard padder or they remove the label.

ZKillboard is a great neutral site that shows good objective information. Adding labels is not part of that.


Yeah I’ve always seen them as a neutral site. didn’t expect them to all of a sudden take this route either.

what harm? are you being physically attacked? does your life depend on it? no? no! Not at all! ya know what that means? it means yer life’s priorities are ■■■■■■ up. it means that you should go out more! get some sun, it really helps! sell yer computer! have a life! then come back, read yer ■■■■ again and feel embarrassed about it!


You lost me after that sentence. You sound like a entitled whiner. Go back to World of Warcraft, whiner.


I thought an actual notice board with his kills on it fell on him the way he was getting on.

It is selfish because it marks alliance as easy targets and markets the area as hunting ground … thus increasing the number of hunters and increasing risks for everyone involved.

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scroll up a bit you’ll see 2 TLDRs

I was trying to tell people why some people care about the killboard. Because a common argument to leave Zkill alone is “just don’t care about what a 3rd party site says about you”

also thank you for being here and commenting. Now people see that people caring about the killboard is a real thing.

I actually laughed at this irl

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Are you saying Eve isn’t real? :scream:

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You mean it increases the amount of content in your area? How’s that a bad thing?

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No one cares about your kb padding

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i know it. you know it. he on the other hand…