I cannot think of a decent title

So, I am in search for some guidance and/or ideas

I’ve been in eve a long time, too long maybe, but I’ve not yet won eve, I am still here plugging away 15 years later, a recent MCT deal gives me 149 days of time of the bulk of my characters, so I’ve 149 days to find my mojo or leave (although if I do leave I won’t make a post announcing it to an audience that just doesn’t care (why do people do that)).

I’ve recently left a C4 WH corp that was for the most part inactive and am sitting in High Sec in my own personal corp wondering what the F to do next. I day trip into WHs, I do L4 missions and a bit of industry and for the most part that is OK, but I have to say that doing it in your own corp where the only people you speak to is yourself is a little tedious.

So what to do? In some aspects being in your own corp and doing what you want to do, when you want to do it is ideal, you answer to no-one, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. But, for me at least there is something missing.

I am never going to be the guy that arranges all the activities, but at the same time it’s sometimes pretty good to work to a shared goal with other people where everyone benefits both in game money wise, as well as any of those other points of reference when you are just happy with what’s gone on that day.

I think the last time I truly was in a place that I loved was 2014. 4 years into game with Reasonable People corp. Perhaps it was that the game was still relatively new to me, but we pushed the comfort zone back then in the corp, and I was proud that my employment history was a short list up to that point, but that all went to crap and it all went into freefall. (that isnt to say ive not been with good corps since then)

So this is a very long winded way of saying, What is out there that is interesting, what is out there to do that is different and not just some cookie cutter corp or alliance saying that they are tight knot and real life 1st. is there anything out there that is different and doing something a bit leftfield? Trig space excluded, after all, I cannot be arsed to try and repair that standing once that comes to a screeching halt.

So eve people, feed me some ideas :slight_smile: (and if you read th epost in full, then kudos to you)

Hi there!

This might be biased but I truly 100% believe into what I say. I fully understand you and where you’re coming from, I’ve been playing for 15 years now and lived through various regions and alliances in nullsec. Five years ago we left to a wormhole. And I know you lived in a C4 wormhole, but this is different. We live in a C2 with 0.0 and C5 statics, best of both worlds for content. I kid you not that we have 24/7 pvp, fleets formed 2-3 times per day, sometimes more. We offer so, so, so much to our members, from 100% SRP, no activity requirements, ships on contracts in WH, help with logistics and even free items in corp hangars after trial. Basically take it from someone who’s been playing for years and years. We have banter, we’re very chill and fun group but the playstyle is what makes it fun. Having no blues in eve but having so much content. We do variety of pew pew from nano skirmishes, fleet fights, ESS baiting, black ops dropping, heavy wormhole brawls.

It’s a unique experience.

We’re a chill corp (family run with myself, my brother and father) and have a good core leadership that are together for years now. We started back in 2013 and spent most of the time in nullsec but we preferred to just have content on pladder any time of the day. We’re very chill and easygoing group and think you’d fit in. We have no activity requirements, relaxed but PVP every single day, feel free to verify it with our killboard. There’s so much I could describe but I heavily suggest you read our recruitment post for more information.

For more information check out our recruitment thread and hope to see you soon if you’re keen to “re-ignite” your spark to eve :slight_smile:

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Wanna try your luck in a small group doing a bit of everything in NPC Null with some sov null as well? We live mostly in the Great Wildlands.

We have regular gatecamps, a few fleets per week as well, whenever we feel like it, mining, exploration, kinda a bit of everything. Contact us on Discord (Wildlands Tactical Response Unit) and our in-game recruitment channel “WannaBeWild”.

Happy flying!

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Hey Vartan,

You’ve put into words what a lot of veteran players feel—EVE is fantastic, but doing it solo for too long can make the universe feel a little too big. The good news? You don’t have to do this alone—and no, we’re not just another “tight-knit RL-first” corp throwing out the usual recruitment pitch.

What Makes Us Different?

:small_blue_diamond: A Place to Find Your Next Challenge, Without Pressure
You’ve done missions, wormholes, and industry—but have you done it with a crew that actually makes it fun? Whether it’s null-sec PvE, shenanigans in wormholes, or PvP that doesn’t feel like a second job, we’ve got something for you. No mandatory ops, no obligations—just good people to fly with.

:small_blue_diamond: Null-Sec Without the Cookie-Cutter BS

No Rental Fees, No Boring Bureaucracy, No “Mandatory” Crap

Ratting, Abyssals, Industry, Mining Fleets (If You Fancy It)

Black-Ops, Wormhole Raids & “Oops, That Wasn’t Supposed to Happen” Content

:small_blue_diamond: A Crew That Actually Plays for Fun

We’re not trying to be space accountants, we just enjoy flying together

No “forced” fleets, but always people around for when you do want to join in

If you just want to chat on Discord while doing your thing? That’s cool too

Why You Might Want to Check Us Out

You’re not looking for just another corp—you want something that actually feels different. What we offer isn’t some overproduced, copy-paste recruitment pitch, but a real group of players that keep things interesting.

If you’re bored, burned out, or just looking for something to shake things up, jump into our discord and see what we’re about. Worst case? You get a conversation with some like-minded veterans who get it. Best case? You find that spark again.

:telephone_receiver: Public Channel: TEAR5
:studio_microphone: Discord: Black Layer Syndicate

No pressure, no expectations—just a bunch of people who still enjoy the game after all these years. Come say hi.

Fly dangerous. Fly with friends. o7

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Hey Vartan, Come check out our forum post. It’ll give you some info about us and what we are about! there is link to our discord if you have any questions! hope to see you around!