So, I am in search for some guidance and/or ideas
I’ve been in eve a long time, too long maybe, but I’ve not yet won eve, I am still here plugging away 15 years later, a recent MCT deal gives me 149 days of time of the bulk of my characters, so I’ve 149 days to find my mojo or leave (although if I do leave I won’t make a post announcing it to an audience that just doesn’t care (why do people do that)).
I’ve recently left a C4 WH corp that was for the most part inactive and am sitting in High Sec in my own personal corp wondering what the F to do next. I day trip into WHs, I do L4 missions and a bit of industry and for the most part that is OK, but I have to say that doing it in your own corp where the only people you speak to is yourself is a little tedious.
So what to do? In some aspects being in your own corp and doing what you want to do, when you want to do it is ideal, you answer to no-one, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. But, for me at least there is something missing.
I am never going to be the guy that arranges all the activities, but at the same time it’s sometimes pretty good to work to a shared goal with other people where everyone benefits both in game money wise, as well as any of those other points of reference when you are just happy with what’s gone on that day.
I think the last time I truly was in a place that I loved was 2014. 4 years into game with Reasonable People corp. Perhaps it was that the game was still relatively new to me, but we pushed the comfort zone back then in the corp, and I was proud that my employment history was a short list up to that point, but that all went to crap and it all went into freefall. (that isnt to say ive not been with good corps since then)
So this is a very long winded way of saying, What is out there that is interesting, what is out there to do that is different and not just some cookie cutter corp or alliance saying that they are tight knot and real life 1st. is there anything out there that is different and doing something a bit leftfield? Trig space excluded, after all, I cannot be arsed to try and repair that standing once that comes to a screeching halt.
So eve people, feed me some ideas (and if you read th epost in full, then kudos to you)