I fly in the dark. Very scary. Save me please!

Correct me if I’m wrong I left windows at XP, is the aero thing still going strong in win7 if it is see what happens if you turn it off.


Since aero reduces performance in games, it has been turned off for a long time.


Ah ok I’m trying to find a old isboxer thread that solved a similar problem.

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i find this theme i think. https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/message/6266008/

and now i find one more old and modded driver and try it.

anybody know, what file should I configure the vsync?

qtwebengine process

Try older drivers. One time the newest were not the best paradoxically. I had artifacts on my old nvidia and used older to make them gone.

It’s in the escape menu, graphics, the “interval” setting. Can you image?! I look at it a few times per week and can’t remember it now when I need it. This would help with overheating issues. You have to be aware of the fact that when your notebook is several years old it might benefit from being opened, the heat sinks removed, cleaned and the CPU/GPU repasted. And why did you mention OpenGL settings? The game does not use OpenGL.

And what about upgrading to windows 10?


So far I’m not completely sure, but it seems that my problems are over. I set the interval - immediate. In addition, I found 15.7 Сatalist modified drivers with enabled OpenCL and they work fine.
I believe that the problem is in:

  1. Vertical synchronization - right is Interval Immeditate.
  2. Bugged 16.2 and other same Catalyst drivers.
    Let me give you a link to a workable modified Catalyst 15.7
Magnet URI


Thanks for your help.
ps i have Windows 10 on my irbis 1gb tablet. I do not like its simplified interface. I think a couple of years I still have with Windows 7.


I’m glad your issues got resolved! :smiley:

What’s your FPS? You can see them pressing CTRL+F. With “interval immediate” your computer now runs the game as fast as it can. If that’s not causing problems, then overheating wasn’t the issue. I don’t know if Windows 10 on tablets is the actually same on desktops. I doubt it, because I would hate it. =(^_^)=

I played Elite on a Sony MSX (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSX) had lots of trouble docking my spaceship using the keyboard keys. At the time I fantasized one day a game like Elite could be played with many other people at the same time … and then there was EvE online


Now they just need to bring back wireframes!


At the best graphics settings, I now have 18 fps. At worst - 60. I think that it is not very much, but at least I do not fly in the dark. This is what happens during long-haul flights.

Yes. Windows takes 700mb. 1 GB of memory. Therefore, any applications are divided into many small packages and so are executed. This is called optimization. But Eve doesn’t work like that ( Besides, it’s very difficult to configure anything. The user’s capabilities are minimal.

This looks alright! Have you tried putting Linux onto it and running EVE in WINE? That’d still be cheaper on RAM if you do it right.

I see now that apparently your graphics chip does not have dedicated RAM. In your BIOS there should a be setting which allows you to increase or lower the amount of system RAM being reserved for the graphics chip. Though, considering that your issue got resolved, I guess there’s no need to tinker with that.

That’s what the docking computer was for. And now there’s Elite Dangerous :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, this motherboard does not open additional settings even when I try to install a modified BIOS. Already tried. BIOS settings are set once and for all. So plans to make money on something more modern and customizable. Linux? No, I don’t have time for this. TY and GL )

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Congratulations and much fun playing eve in color mode!

And now we can go back to the real content of this thread: C64 graphics! :wink:

I was at that age when you didn’t read manuals. If only I had at the time I might still be playing it!

Hey! I’ve found this and got reminded of this thread!

Real time 3d fractal landscape on a c64 and it even has better colours than OPs screenshots! :smiley:

Btw, did you know over a dozen new games got released for the c64 last year? I don’t know any exact numbers, but over a dozen already is amazing! :smiley:

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