I’d been through that passage many times before and it’s always been clear. Two 0.4 systems leading into a dead-end pocket in High Sec. It’s the only way into that system. I let my guard down after accepting a level 2 security mission and just warped right on in while watching TV on another monitor. I looked back over and I’m decloaked and being shot at. My shields were gone, my armor was gone, and my hull was just starting to go. I’m in a T3 Proteus.
I decided to kick myself later for my mistake and took stock of the situation. Four ships. I turned on my armour repairer and let it do its job. I then tried to warp out. Can’t. Stuck. Tried again. Nothing. I’m not warp scrammed. Must have a bumper. I targetted them and turned on my guns. No need to launch drones since I still have hopes of escape. I turned on my MWD. Good. That works. I wait for it to cycle and overheat it. I’m gone! They weren’t prepared for 2,200 m/s. I smash the warp button and jet off! I hit my cloak as soon as the target locks fell off. I arrive at the next gate- can’t warp out since I fired back. Fine. No worries. Warped to a planet recloaking on the way. I then warp to another planet and waited out the timer. I then made a run for the exit and jumped.
Never let your guard down in Eve. That was the lesson of the day! “I got lucky” just doesn’t quite say it! They had every single advantage. They should have had me.