I was told I should crosspost this from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/7fwdu3/i_killed_a_skiff_and_i_liked_it/
Mining CODE. monkeys, be warned!
This is my first post here. I haven’t been much for PVP things. A few years ago, I tried camping gankers in stations, activating killrights etc (until I got laughed out of local…).
Anyway, I was going out in Poinen to mine, when I saw one of James 315’s gankers mining in a Skiff. https://imgur.com/a/Xng9O
I docked up my Skiff and refitted it with a scram/web, and picked up a few more combat drones.
Then I went out and activated the kill right. It got exciting quite quickly, but because I had more combat drones the he did, I won the drone duel.
His alt came out in a Caracal Navy Issue and tried to join the fight, only to get CONCORDED (new users can only put 2 links in a post - see reddit) (DUH - I would have thought that CODE. weenies would know how that works… (see Pastebin)).
Then the tedious work of grinding down the bad guy started. He tried to offer a ransom himself (see Pastebin).
Local Chat: (new users can only put 2 links in a post - see reddit)
Screenshot Ransom: (new users can only put 2 links in a post - see reddit)
ZKILL Skiff: (new users can only put 2 links in a post - see reddit)
I talked about it on the anti-ganking channel, and they warned me about baits, with orcas and swapping ships, so I guess I got lucky!?! But I have been aching for some kind of payback since that stupid wardec made me sweat whilst maintaining my sell/buy orders! It felt totally good, and I would do it again!
Other than watching for obvious baits with orcas etc, is there anything else I should be mindful about whilst not getting myself concorded in high sec, skiff PVP?