I lost faith in CCP

This is what they do, so why not?

ehm… no, it’s not because they were over-investing, but because they WANT MORE of it but the game changed and they do not get what they want any more

why not on top?

Do not judge this game by the complaining. Bitter vets tend to spend more time in social spaces complaining, while the happy players tend to spend more time playing the game. Decided for yourself whether or not you like this game.

And by the way, this is not to say that no one has any valid complaints, but the bulk of the complaining comes from people who whine when presented with adversity. If they aren’t blaming CCP for their lack of success, they are blaming gankers, whalers, gatecampers, nullsec blobs, cheesedick strats, you name it.


Because I like to be underneath on my back while she works on me after a hard day’s work.


They way CCP communicates and nerfs things is simply terrible. If they respected Eve more as an entity they’d treat her and us better. Change that one dynamic about this situation and a lot changes. So yeah players expect more.

Please don’t confuse that with hitting some game play challenges. Eve isn’t dying because its hard.

A lot of the negative feedback that is coming lately has been a while in the making due to some pretty poor choices by CCP. That said, the core of the game (the parts they havent nerfed or overly modified in the last 2y) is still intact and worth saving from their hubris.


Right, because it’s not dying at all and CCP has made over $15 million last quarter. I think it’s safe to say that EVE will be around for another decade if not more.

EVE is only dying for those who are bitter or have exaggerated expectations for their gameplay.


What they wanted was actually bad for the game itself, and in fact bad for them as well, except they either didn’t realize it, or chose to ignore it, because the bad thing made them feel good.

It’s kind of like cleaning up a drug-infested neighborhood. Yes, many of the lifetime junkies jonesing for a fix are probably going to disappear to look for another craphole where they can score some cheap hits, and the people who remain will have to adjust to a new normal, but the intent and the end goal are to have a functioning society again.

Except in EVE, society only functions when there’s enough competition for resources to avoid stagnant gameplay, and stagnant gameplay is exactly what we had for the better part of the last decade.

Farming billions in ISK and materials every day with little chance of interference felt good to all the people who enjoy watching their wallets grow, but it made for a ■■■■ game, both for them in terms of being able to derive enjoyment from any activity other than mindless grinding, and for everyone else who wasn’t interested in that to begin with. “Player choice” and “open-world gameplay” never meant that people were free to essentially bypass the game’s intended core design.


Hey newsflash,

If your F-Given box was so empty, you wouldn’t have bothered wasting your time writing this.

What people do with their time and money, is ultimately none of your damn moral concern really.

Not before, Not now, not ever.


Really? How interesting… Tell me more.

It’s not. But I’m still free to write a post to tell anyone what’s what within the constraints of this forum and me doing that is ultimately none of your damn concern, really.

You can tell me that if you’re a judge presiding over my trial and until you are, I really don’t give a rat’s arse what you want or don’t want out of me, kiddo.


Hey, newsflash, Karen!
This is a discussion. You have no business dictating what anyone posts unless their post violates forum rules and even then, you just flag the post and be on your merry way.
This isn’t your forum. Go play the police in your neighborhood, not here.


Eve is dieing for a large subset of the population. I agree that the game is carrying on but you have to be a fool not to see the exodus.


I see the exodus alright, and think: everyone of these quitting players will be replaced by new players who will appreciate EVE for what it is now and not for what it was in a time long past when the world was different.

I don’t like some of the changes and the nerfs but I’m willing to work with whatever CCP throws at me and I’m not bitter because the time and money I spend on this game is negligible. I have my priorities straight ( Han ) and a game is the last thing I consider important in my life.


And this is where we can agree to disagree. nice to see that you take the time and energy to post on something that is not important in your life. Perhaps you could consult wikipedia and look up the term “hobby”. People with hobbys tend to be interesting in discussing them. With the advent of the internet people use forums like this to talk about what is working and what is not working.

btw “working with whatever ccp throws at me” that would bankrupt us all.


So bitter…so critical… so negative :expressionless:

Not really —its just from your perspective. You hold that CCP can do no harm apparently, that is fine, I respect your opinion.

CCP can do better and with a universe as awesome as this its ok to expect better. I do agree that in expressing ourselves we need to be civil but I really appreciate the opportunity CCP gives me to critize them…I think they need to be in better alignment with those currently playing the game.

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But I’m not going to let that ruin my life or my entertainment. I refuse to cry and moan over a game. There’s things more important to cry and moan over but people prefer to close their eyes and ignore those things. They will bemoan the changes on a game but be blind, callous and heartless when it comes to helping a family in distress so please, give me a break and forgive me if I’m not writhing in pain over a nerf or change in a game.

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See friend you need the PVP playstyle.

Null gets dull ? Go pew in LS …
LS too becomes a blue blobfest.
Maybe mix some FW in.
FW infested with botters ?
When was the last time you did some ganking or HS wardecs and suspect baiting…
Getting bored waiting for that 5b PVE Marauder kill…
Lets go hunt in and through some WHs…

PVP is the most adaptable playstyle.


When I was an active leader in the eve universe we always had a mantra – IRL comes first. Regardless of our opinions or what we agree or disagree on in New Eden I wish you strength in your challenges.

My feelings, sentiments and opinions about Eve online are with regard to and only include matters pertaining to and affecting that universe.


An entirely viable playstyle that is well insulated from a lot of the bickering of late.

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Right back at you then aunt Lydia !

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It doesn’t even need to be a family. Just anyone in distress is way more important to spend energy and worry on than a game but apparently, according to Betty Davis, those “weak” people are to be ignored and rejected :unamused:
Last year, over 250 people died of cold and starvation in the streets in only one European city! Did those people’s lives matter?? Not one mention of it in a major news website or newspaper, the info was only relayed from a non-profit organization to a local recycled magazine. People are dying and Injustice abounds but I’m supposed to give a sh!t about some bitter whiners on a game or forum :roll_eyes:

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