I also propose that the owners or creators of eve online put an official page to be able to officially sell things in the game such as ships, accounts, etc. the gain from the sale and purchase of the players would make it possible for the game to have enough resources to translate it into Spanish
When creating an official page of the game to sell things for real money, the market for the entire game would even have the condition that they do not sell anything so that they do not have a monopoly but in return they would charge a commission fee of 5 to 10% For buying or selling anything, for example, if someone sells a gambling account for 1000 dollars, eve online would collect, say, 10% commission, earning 100 dollars just for that sale and purchase. I think it would be a good idea to make the game grow more and if they want resources we could make them from that page that they themselves will create helping to bring more players and create more capital to sustain the game.
tambien propongo que pongan una pagina oficial los dueños o creadores de eve online para poder vender oficialmente cosas del juego como naves, cuentas, etc la ganancia de la venta y compra de los juegadores haria la posibilidad que el juego tenga suficientes recursos para traducirlo al español
al crear una pagina ofcial del juego para vender cosas del mismo por dinero real eve tendria el mercado de todo el juego la condicion seria que no vendan nada para que no tengan el monopolio pero a cambio ellos cobrarian una tarifa de comision de 5 a 10% por compra o venta de cualquier cosa ejemplo si alguien vende una cuenta de el juego a 1000 dolares eve online cobraria digamos el 10% de comision ganando 100 dolares solo por esa venta y compra. me parece que seria una buena idea hacer que el juego cresca mas y si ellos quieren recursos podriamos hacerlos de esa pagina que ellos mismos crearan ayudando a traer mas jugadores y crear mas capital para sostener el juego.

It’s not about resources to translate it to spanish, its VOLUNTEERS to translate it to spanish, and do it properly and keep the game updated.

you are suggesting RMT selling ships for real cash.

there is a website to buy stuff for in game, but once that is in game, then its not worth any real cash, and only worth the ISK.

already exists…buy plex, sell plex, buy ship…

He’s proposing selling it OUT of game… which is RMT…

No. that is silly. close thread and move on.

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Closing this proposal, as it goes against EVE’s ToS/EULA, RMT is a bannable offense. Furthermore as already mentioned, players are already able to legally buy “everything” in the game through PLEX.