I recommend buying PLEX while they're still cheap/exist. Right now is a good time to buy

the.parent company is public, the financials look good.

this explains why after the 4000+ bots being banned and now the plex prices have dropped perfectly.

Source ?

yeah so BS.
Thank you.

Source : your opinion an nothing else.

Since you seem to not be aware, bot users were using intel-pods in NS to farm in peace. Basically meaning that it left the bot-farmers untouched by the lack of local.

Also even if that was not the case, there is nothing in your post of experience which can lead to “a lot of”, unless you know all of them of course.

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"I just bought my plex, now I need a bunch of suckers to drive the price up so I can cash in for the ISK I need.

Hmm… I’ll start in the title by fear-mongering that Plex may cease to exist entirely.

Then I’ll toss in some entirely specious arguments that EVE is either going to collapse entirely - so throw all your ISK away now - or suddenly get significantly better and Plex will skyrocket.

All my pretend-data and my made-up ‘thoughts and feelings’ survey show that EVE is about to crash and burn and plex will be worth much less… so BUY NOW."

Just another thinly disguised “give me what I want or doooom!” thread. No thanks.

(PS: Bought my Plex over a month ago based on data from Adam4Eve Plex Trading Chart. Considerably more reliable trading info than self-serving forum posts.)


Considering bots are able to locate where to click to target the rats, it’s pretty obvious that’s something that is doable.

The fck are you talking about ? The only bug there was, is that people got an event in the log when someone was warping OUT even if he was cloacked. nothing with warping in.
There was no information about where either. All it allowed you is to know when a cloaked ship on grid actually left the grid.
You are just exaggerating anything in order to make something stupid look plausible.

And that’s BS


I smell a PLEX hoarder…

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■■■■ off Balos.

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Now you cry because your BS has been called out. How old are you ?
You were wrong, I corrected you. No reason to cry. Here, have a candy. :candy:

“I’m right even when I am wrong”. You definitely are not old enough to be mature.


My thought is that this

Is a personal aggression and as such I just won’t read what follows.
If you really wanted to discuss you would do it instead of bitching.

Buy Plex!
wait, are we still doing that or what?

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Space ship combat.

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Thank you for this very informative and absolutely enlightening post!



whait what?
is this a hiddin eve is dying thread, with the advice to invest anyway?

i don’t know how to react

Sales prices have been oscillating on the plus side in highsec for PLEX, especially in Jita, where I watch the pricing daily. From a low of around 3.2mil ISK per during blackout, it’s back up to around 3.5mil ~3.6mil ISK per. Buy orders topped off at 3.3mil but no one wants to sell that cheap right now.

With a cleanout of botters, we’re not anywhere near the 4mil+ ISK per that we saw earlier this year. But I’m not sold on any statement that this is the time to buy. Last month would’ve been a good time to buy :stuck_out_tongue:

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The potential is there. It all depends on what CCP delivers at EVE Vegas. Customers are already pretty disgruntled. Something that raises the spirits will raise the price of PLEX, because customers will show confidence by buying PLEX and resubbing again.

And not to forget “skilling week”, where people will extract all the literally free SP,
sell the extractors and buy PLEX for subbing …

… but you don’t know that one from me. : - )

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Yeah, but I can’t travel back in time, so now is just as good. :slight_smile:

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Thereʻs an idea for the sandbox…time travel to some of EVEʻs historic moments! Yes? No? Oh nevermind, people are SO hard to please :stuck_out_tongue: