PLEX heading for 4 mil a pop? … Is this the first symptom of the sellout to Pearl for 450 mil USD?
I am losing Corpies because they cannot PLEX themselves. Is this the first whimper of throw cash at it or get lost ?
PLEX heading for 4 mil a pop? … Is this the first symptom of the sellout to Pearl for 450 mil USD?
I am losing Corpies because they cannot PLEX themselves. Is this the first whimper of throw cash at it or get lost ?
Maybe we finally reached the point where demand exceeds supply
… and you think that might not be designed by the powers that be ? … They have FIVE ELITE ECONOMIST ACCOUNTANTS that do NOTHING but run the EVE economy …
The economist guy quit years ago.It might be the new serenity skins too driving price up
You gotta be freaking JOKING! … Skins are not doing this !
Could be someone converting a large amount of isk to plex maybe a big bot operation maybe not and skins could be a cause yes
In before the thread goes to ■■■■ like always with this topic.
Maybe either
A) find a better way to make isk
B) pay for omega with $15
C) play as an alpha
D) quit
or you could whine about it on forums while under the delusion that if you complain enough something will happen
I have never seen such a topic whether it was posted before or not … but, I am a 12 year long Tycoon Trader … I mean look at my name and I am saying PLEX prices are going insane and it is escalating quickly is all and was wondering if others thought as I suspect, that it might have SOMETHING to do with the buyout of EVE by a notorious Pay To Win Organization in gaming …
Not whining … just asking for the opinions of others … Thank you for your opinion.
So CCP buys PLEX off the market to get plex to a new price ceiling so people buy plex to sell or move to paying subscription?
CCP has become a very incompetent disgusting company for several years now and it began with the EA guy they hired obviously the how much can I milk these fools for mentally took root
Check PLEX history, each season have similar graphs.
Check last economic report, specifically money supply.
You say 12 years old player, yet you haven’t seen any of the previous 100 threads on the topic?
What you are doing here is a conspiracy theory, but the reality is that we drive the prices up. CCP can occasionally set a discount and cause a very short price drop. The rest is just speculation, as seen in the previous 100 threads, all ending up with spam.
I mean, just look at the buy orders in Jita and you will see trillions of ISK sitting there, waiting for sellers and forcing the price up.
Even black holes have their limit on how much they can eat at once…Right now the buyers are making one with those huge buy orders.
I have been here long but dont do forums often … scuuse me … was just asking for the opinions of others. Thanks for yours
Although, in the past, I have not followed PLEX much, I am a veteran trader and know how to research it and shall … thank you for your input.
D.O.B. 2010.12.03
They have been this expensive before as well. This is just because CCP has not had a sale in over 3 months. Wait for valentine’s day or carnival and these sales will crash the price down hard.
THIS char pedantic dood
A little over half of what you claimed? That’s not me being pedantic. It’s pointing out that you are a liar.
Along with all the other sketchy things you are claiming and then backpedaling over.
It’s not complicated. Horde has been throwing up 0% - .01% tax azbels for months to mess with TEST. This increases the profit margin of PLEX traders which further drives demand for more PLEX.
Should have stocked up on a large amount of PLEX last year when it was at 3.1M and sold it off now.
I could tell you the reason, it‘s obvious and has nothing to do with the owner change …