[I-RED] Malkalen Disaster Memorial YC.124

Ishukone Malkalen Memorial - 124.05.15

Saisieni New Eden,

The Ishukone-Raata Enforcement Directive will be opening our fourteenth memorial of the Malkalen Disaster to the public this year, as we honour the lives lost during this horrific attack.

On the date of 05.15.110 YC the Gallente Mothership FNS - Wandering Saint, commanded by Admiral Noir, set a collision course into the Ishukone Headquarters killing hundreds of thousands, including Ishukone’s CEO Otro Gariushi, and a delegation of individuals with a vision of peace. This event sadly caused the dark unstable political landscape we see today, and continues to effect every Caldari Citizen.

Keeping true to the spirit of past memorials, we will continue to extend a public invitation to all capsuleers no matter race or political background to meet with neutrality in mind. This however, does not include the participation of aligned members of known pirate entities, or Kyber loyalists.

Event Details:

  • Time: 21:00
  • Date: 05.15.124 YC
  • System: Malkalen
  • Station: Malkalen - Ishukone-Raata Memorial Station

Pilots requiring information on the Memorial please contact us at IshuNET Router - Red Steele, or Private Messaging Systems.

“Never forgotten, the dreams of Otro Gariushi, and all who gathered in the name of peace.”


As a member of the Sukuuvestaa corporation, I am honored to accept your open invitation.

Update - Speakers will begin at 21:00, however the Meiyo Foyer will be open to the public at 20:00 NEST. All attendees must pass through security screening before entry is permitted, please speak to Shiran Mazaki for access.


For the most part it was a very good memorial service. I thank Mr. Revenent and I-RED for hosting and their hospitality.

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