I think it's time you let alphas use expedition frigates

Yield dictates use case in this instance. Venture is already grossly misused by newbies, and what you are asking for is going to result in yet a greater disservice to those who are already shooting themselves in the foot. These are players who spend hours scraping pennies when they’d make more money and have more fun running L1 missions and buying ores with that money. And it’s pretty quick to go from L1 to L3 missions.

Mining passively isn’t a thing. That’s where suicide gankers and trigs would come to give you a wake up call. Especially if you’re using T2 mining ships .Even missioning can be done passively with 90% less risk of getting ganked while being funner and more profitable.

  • Even without promos, CCP already offers discounted subs for multi-month subs. IIRC 12-months is like $10.95/mo or something like that. Occasionally CCP has promos on top of those already-discounted subs.
  • You can already use BCs and BSes as Alpha.
  • Your yield wouldn’t even pay off in ISK->PLEX->Omega what you are paying for in either ISK or $$$ via this castrated account. You would be scraping pennies for hours in order to PLEX the game in order to continue scrape pennies for hours, T2-empowered and with that greater a liability. You literally would make more money docked up in a station doing Project Discovery making 45m/hr + rewards. Technically you can do that while mining but at least you won’t get ganked by someone who sees a newbie in a T2 frigate as a juicy target.
  • Would skill training be included? Because the Omega community would probably object to that.
  • The Omega community would also object to these cheaper accounts being able to harvest ice, especially where botting is concerned.
  • Basically nobody would buy this, and I’d bet the farm that CCP would never consider this.

With all due respect, the only reason you are writing this post is because you are inexperienced and not knowledgeable about the game. You are going against the grain instead of with the flow, and you are not accepting the wisdom passed onto you by others who are telling you how to have more fun and make more profit at the same time than what you are doing now. Even with mining or with using the Venture there is a right way and a wrong way of going about it - your proposal is empowering the wrong way, and that is unacceptable.

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