I`ve been podded 352 times in 3 months cuz of highsec ganking! This game is crazy!

I`m humbled by your appreciation. I will spread the medal of :poop: on every shuttle and corvette that undocks with billions in cargo.

Medal of the Biomass Champion :poop::ok_hand:

Enjoy. There is more in storage for future champions. :sunglasses:

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That would only affect the careless and clueless, everyone else would align (still tethered) then warp.

Exactly! Normal defenses will still be in place ā€¦ like insta warp or align&warp.

I may add, based on my experience as a ganker, you canā€™t really gank someone unless they are careless or clueless.



From all the old threads to necro you choose this one? In any case, the ā€œGeneral Discussionā€ forum is a better place to have a necro-any-old-thread contest.


Delaying CONCORD response or completely avoiding it. Committing a criminal act and delaying CONCORD response for an extended period of time.

If you pull CONCORD to location prior to actually ganking a target doing so would otherwise delay CONCORDā€™s arrival to the illegal act of aggression from their central area of launching.

Therefore ganking in High Sec is an exploit because CONCORD is always pulled to a different location such as a gank in an asteroid belt far away from the gate that the actual gank is taking place at.

If saying so would make it true. Iā€™m sure in your head it works like that but the reality is Iā€™ve stated facts while you present wishful delusion. But anyway you are free to open a support ticket and ask from CCP if you want further proof.

Edit: Btw just so people donā€™t have to scroll up to see my other related post which you conveniently did not quote in your above postā€¦


Ooops. Did not notice the age, just had it visible in the bottom list.

And just in case a random innocent passerby does not know that most posts by DrysonBennington are false drivel, let me link to a GM post on Concord manipulation: http://eve-search.com/thread/352595-1/page/62#1857


Explain me why CCP disagree with you?

Dryson admitted to me in the AG channel he was a Dom alt.

It started off he wanted a clean break from the tards in the ganking world. When his AG solutions were not respected by his former Ganktard mates he just continued as a bad memeā€¦

No offense to Dryson, but Iā€™d have to go really low to be that bad

Nice try Nitshie, Iā€™m better than that :slight_smile:

Yeah, Nitsche just admitted to me in private chat that he only posted that to get a rise out of you. Shame on him.

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