I dont see what Ive said disagrees with that. NPC interests over ride player interests by default, but Im saying the most powerful players should be able to over throw the NPCs because they worked for it. Not for free, but because they made it happen. I still havent seen anything to make me believe the game wouldnt be better with player run Empires and NPCs relegated to training grounds at best.
And yet null alliances work fine without CONCORD vOv
Except that impacts everyone else’s story in irrevocable ways. Let’s say the Imperium overthrows the Empire. Congrats, you’ve screwed over all of the Amarr loyalists who haven’t had any interest in sov warfare.
For a lot of playstyles, they are.
Only when you look at the smaller picture. Big picture, the null alliances need to get their new players from somewhere. They often need to get the resources they don’t have in their space from somewhere. And that usually means going through highsec. Highsec, in turn, is only the major trade center it is because people can move in relative safety. Newbies start there. So it’s all still dependent on highsec.
You can’t do the thing because everyone else is agreeing to use X as the agreed-upon background, and your individual ability to do whatever you want doesn’t over-ride the group’s right to have a consistent, agreed-upon setting for new players to interact with.
And that’s true of basically every RP group, in and out of MMOs.
If there were that many, theyd fight for Amarr and win. Why is it that sone people have to fight for what they want, and others dont? I thought you said
Unless you are an Empire loyalist, then you get an Alliance that can never lose sov, never have to protect its borders and never ever lose.
OUtside of MMOs as either a player or GM I can organise a resistance of players against any NPC faction. EvE should be the MMO where this is possible because EvE has always prided itself on being the least hand holding, most ruuthless MMO you can get. (And sure Conan Exiles on open mode is harder, but lets go with ones that are genuinely able to sustain a populous server).
The rules protecting new player systems exist to protect new players from predation. Unless you are going to actually say that High Sec really is a new player zone then Im not sure what it is you think Im arguing for.
Keep the new player systems. Sure make them bigger why not.
Just make High Sec conquerable for larger Alliances.
Otherwise, what exactly is the goal? Correct me if Im wrong but you are against rhe blue donut concept as well as Total Victory, so what exactly are you supposed to do out there? Wax and wane forever with increasingly larger fleets? When you are the only power of note, are you going to start losing on purpose?
Whats the next stage in the game if not finally get rid of those meddling Empires?
If CCP were to properly represent the Imperial Navy, they wouldn’t need to lift a finger. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it unreasonable.
Right, because they’re playing in a different part of the game, with different objectives and different playstyles. Congratulations, you’ve just highlighted why we can’t steamroll highsec and force everyone else to play a game they don’t like.
Sure, if the rest of the players are willing to deal with that. If they’re not, then you’ll find yourself without an RP group.
When you’re the only power of note, you have lost. I mean, look at your scenario. You take over highsec. @whee! Congrats, game over. You’ve driven off the people who don’t want to play sov warfare, you’ve driven off alliance loyalists, and in pretty short order, you’ll have killed the game.
When the nullsec empire-building game revolves around conflict between the blocs, then you have to have conflict between the blocs. Any scenario where one side can absolutely dominate means conflict’s over, and you’re done, game over, shut it down and start a new one. Great for a single-player, repeatable game, shitty for a persistent-universe MMO.
It has nothing to do with me not liking it. You said that people shouldnt get what they want without working for it and yet you are defending exactly that.
You seem to be under the impression Im ask for one person to take down the whole Amarr empire.
Sure, if you lack imagination like CCP seem to. Which I know you dont, so you really are just digging in and saying “its this way and thats the only way it can be”.
Why? I dont know. Stagnation is what will end the game, not dynamic changes of power.
You say it would end the playstyles of peoe in high sec, yet Null is more tgan capable of providing that environment, and do, for thpusands of players daily.
You say these things cannot be done while they are being done and saying nothing can change while saying stagnation in the form of Total Victory would end the game. These are paradoxical positions that cannot all be true.
No, I’m under the impression that you’re asking for the large, organized groups in null to be able to force a larger number of players in low and highsec to play the game in ways they don’t want to. If they wanted to be forced to organize, or deal with large fleet combat, or deal with sov warfare, they’d already be doing that.
Any scenario where one side can dominate means stagnation. Go on now, paint me a picture where the Imperium takes over highsec and anyone else has half a chance of fighting back against the level of economic power we’d have. Wouldn’t happen.
No, it doesn’t. Nullsec doesn’t provide thousands of players the ability to play without having to deal with larger groups, where they don’t have to worry about roaming fleets of idiots, where they can mission or mine in relative safety (and no, even we don’t provide the level of safety that highsec does).
Yes, but what I mean is: if CCP were to actually put the hundreds of thousands of ships that the Imperial Navy’s supposed to have on-field. Which right now, they don’t, they just say ‘nope, totally there’.
They are already doing that. Except as ypuve stated yourself before, wars do not happen without goals, and the reason there are not more wars is there are not more goals. Taking High would be a goal
Hell, you dont even have to change it from high. The Sec is about CONCORD first and foremost, so really if Empire assets were flagged as viable targets, playstyle wouldnt change for non sov players at all.
But right now NPC empires dominate highsec. Yet this usnt stagnant? Nothing (except Pochven ugh) changes signifigantly no matter what anybody does.
Now, if you were to tell me a High Sec Imperium would last a tjpysand years without drama, tgen I may or may not belueve you, but if it did, why wpuld it be different? Except that players would be the ones making decisions, rather than NPCs doing nothing.
Plenty of groups in High Sec do this. Sure the scale is different, but theres no capital mining in high.
But theres orca mining, theres gank fleets.
You have stated yourself there is relative safety in Null because players worked for it. So it cant be the case that there is and there isnt. You arent going to tell me theres no defense fleets or red telephones.