Maybe you show us, for who possible then? Any examples?
Two on the move up…
As the youngster say, you do you.
This is joke or what?
Some guys took 2 systems from other guys.
How it threat the Blocks?
@Mr_Raven_101 I am not sure if TQ will see the same fate as Serenity, I believe that the current powers are aware of that danger and they will willingly let minor groups rise (only to crush them if they ever pose a threat) to simulate some political movement, just to keep the game running. They have learned from Serenity, trust in that.
But I agree that the current situation is stuck and can never be broken from the outside, no matter the amount of ambition, skill or dedication any non-affiliated group has, or even by an alliance of multiple such groups (which would be quickly crushed our bought anyway).
There is a point in every game, when amassed power is so big, the mechanics of the game simply don’t allow a victory any more, no matter how good or ambitious you are. The worlds best chess player can’t win with just a pawn and the king vs. another player that still has the whole rack. And in EVE, any new/independent group has less than a pawn and a king and the opposition has tenthousands of racks to bring in fresh pieces. EVE is long beyond that point under the current power projection mechanics.
I love how some people will quit. SMH
Watch the video and then go through the dotlan map alliance. Clickon some and see when they started.
The attitude for some people here is, ‘Well game over so why bother’.
IRL not everyone is cut out to run a business. Does not have the mindset for it. I have owned a business. I lost it in the Great Recession. It was a very young company. It was only a year and half old at the start of the great recession. My partner and I were still struggling and getting the company established. Then the Great Recession hit.
As we were putting the company in mothballs. My MIL needed to have my wife take care of her. The wife and I had to move to a different
state. Sadly he and I never did get the company up and running again. Life happens.
But here is the deal. I didn’t give a sweet d*mn about the large corps. It was getting that business up and running and we were having fun. In many ways it was the most fun I had had in a great many years.
What does this have to do with EVE. Simple it is your mindset that can give you the ommph to continue no matter the odds. Sure the big four are going to be there. Doesn’t have to be that way forever. Goonswarm leader is the third one to lead that alliance I believe. The founder has either left the game or does not play as much.
But the point here is that a person with ambition can go far. Now me. I have climbed more than one corporate ladder. Retired and not all that ambitious. In a game I play aside from eve. I became an officer(a director) Mostly because I was recruiting and helping new players coming into the game. The guild leader and other officers decided as I was l already doing it and bothering them with request to get a player in to the guild anyways. They made an officer just to get me to quit PM’ing them. lol
This game does tempt me to be as ambitious as I was as a much younger man. Maybe in a few years. It is not outside the realm of possibilities. That I might just shoot to be a director anyways. LOL
Again it is my mindset of playing the odds smartly and willing to play the long game. But the attitude for some people here is, There is no room at the top. Why bother. There is never any room at the top till you make that room at the top. You may not succeed. But that is what makes such things worth trying. It is not the success, but beating the odds.
As a mentor once said to me. It is not the failure that matter, but what you do when you fail. I had just lost for me a large contract. That I bidded on and was in the dumps about it.
This game in a large way drives home that point. Do you stand up and try. Knowing you can fail? Or do you come here on these forums and whine about how it is all impossible?
Here is an idea. If you think you cannot grow a corporation and an alliance that can challenge those already established alliances. Join one of them and climb to the top. People come and go as both directors and CEO’s.
There is always a need for people to fill a role in a corporation. Be that person that can fill a role. One day you might just make it as a CEO and lead that major alliance.
Eve is about opportunity. I tell people that ask about Eve. That this game is for those that are self starters. Willing to take the initiative. How willing are you?
So just to confirm you want someone to start selling computers against Microsoft, because with enough effort they can beat them!
You all can hate the poster all you want but they are right.
It’s well known in eve that there is no space to claim and hold for any small corp for any amount of time if challenged by the blocs.
I think (although realize it’s completely impractical) that there should be parts of space that can only be held by corps of smaller then x number of players (when also counting alliances players)
Again I realize this is not going to work in reality but it would still be nice.
Everyone wants to own their own piece of space. It should be fought over but one side should not be so over powering that there is no point to fight
As a veteran player I’d love to setup a refinery, mod it and free port it. I can’t though as some knucklehead will blow it up just to be a dick.
I guess overall my point is that something needs to be done to give small corps some glimmer of hope that one day they may actually be able to own a 1x1 square km of space that is not impossible to defend by that small corp.
WOW! I get it. You have no vision. No imagination. All the world is gloom and doom… You want to know why you will fail as you inevitably quit Eve. Is because nothing is handed to you. This is not that MMO where you can gain enough coin and XP to progress to run with the big dogs.
You have to have vision, a plan, and a lot of gumption to want to succeed. You have none of that. All you have is excuses for not trying. Whining that everything is just so unfair.
Me on the other hand has slightly less lofty goals at the moment. But even I realize that nothing says I will succeed. I just have the chance to make it. That is all Eve guarantees here. Just a chance. What you make of the opportunities. What kind of people skills and leadership skills you might have in IRL. Will determine more than anything else how far you can go.
As far as what my business partner and I wanted. Was not create a browser or a new windows. It was to have a shop. And grow it from there. SHRUGS Life happens.
There are abandon systems where old structures that have been abandoned. Find one. Get enough people together and carve that place out for yourselves. I guess you find it better to be here on the forums whining then to be out there doing it.
Been doing it for ten years here in eve. Doesn’t change my perspective.
There should be space for small only corps IMO. A 10,000 member corp should not be able to declare war on a ten member corp. If you support that you support bullying, end of story
Just admit you’re a bully and move on
Wardeccers could be easley stopped if CCP make war costs REAL money, not a 100 millions/week joke fees… And even so you can just not pay the bill and war ends.
That simply wouldn’t work. Larger groups would still destroy any and all Citadels any small group builds. For the kilmail, for the loot and because Citadels simply can’t fight well. They are incredibly easy and fast to destroy for anyone who can bring a fleet if their target can’t bring one (or only a much smaller fleet). That means, no matter how you would restrict “Sov” in your new area, still nobody could live there, he would be attacked over and over and over by just Fleets of the larger groups because they know he can’t fight back.
And sooner or later this space would be filled with Altcorps and Vasalls of the big groups as well.
The only space you can live as a small/medium independent group is WH-Space, because it’s annoying and unlucrative for the larger groups to invade trough mass- and time-limited WHs, and bind their fleet for days just to wait out the structure timers for stations that by then would be evacuated anyway, since most WH groups have good EVAC-concepts. Power Projection is massively limited in WHs, thats why it works there. And that is the real solution for the whole game: Power Projection has to be massively toned down, especially all that Cyno Hotdropping.
Fleets with members belonging to corp bigger then x can’t enter the space. Fleets bigger then x can’t enter space, two fleets with any members from any corp bigger then x can’t enter space.
I agree there are way to many conditions to try to catch every work around which is why it is only a pipe (space) dream at this point.
As well all know, whatever mechanic they employee will be gamed at some point.
It would be really nice if corp numbers including alliances had to be somewhat close to the number of the corp with alliances your attacking. Unless of course a smaller group goes after a bigger group
I know , crazy, It would still be nice though
Not at some point. The new mechanic would be abused instantly from the groups that are in power, and with a performance no small/new/independent group could ever reach. There is absolutely no way to construct any limitations the big groups can’t circumvent, be it with just newly created altchars and altcorps, still controlled by the same persons in the background. Either derectly or via relations and resources put behind them.
One word. Lazerhawks.
I don’t believe adding new systems will fix the problem. It would still be a problem just in a few more systems. The null blocks need broken up. Content for security system outside of null need to be revamped and added to make people want to be in those areas. If all the money is in null it will keep those null blocks in power. Leveling the playing field will make them less relevant.
When I ran for csm I mentioned making highsec islands based on faction. Separating the trade hubs making it more dangerous to travel between different factions. The systems in between would mostly be fw as a way to boost that gameplay. Markets would heavily become localized. It’s about making eve more dangerous and providing more content in areas that aren’t null.
If that would happen that means fewer high sec system. The hs systems that remain would need to be prioritized for safety. Meaning ganking has to go. Safety unable to be set red in hs would need to be done across the board not just for alpha accounts. Higher increase for boarder ores, higher levels of combat anoms, at least 1 lvl 5 in hs per faction. These are just random ideas because Hs would need a boost of content as well so it would only be natural to figure out some way to make that happen.
I know Lazerhawks and yes, they dominate the HighClass Space for now. But mostly because the other major players in that space engaged in a stupid and badly prepared war which they lost horribly. We will see if that changes over time again.
But there are still thousands of C1-C4 WHs open for the taking, LH doesn’t care for them because: Its annoying and unlucrative for them to just burn them out “because they can”. Smaller or medium independent entities cann still live relatively free in there, doing their daily business without being constantly harassed, blobbed or hotdropped by larger groups easily.
So yeah, while the situation isn’t “optimal” (from my perspective) in WH space, it’s still miles and miles better than in any other space, because of the harsh limitations to Power Projection. Which proves my point entirely.