I was scammed for 23B in the game, what should I do

You can afford it.

Besides maybe he accepts to tell the rest of his story wearing a yellow suit.

:wink: :blush: :smirk:

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You don’t conduct business while in battle.

And exactly how is it anybody else’s concern?
Pay more attention in the future.


I’m going to guess that there isn’t much salt left to extract from this one!

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These posts make for good toilet reading that’s how

Haha it was sarcasm, been around eve since 03, and before that earth and beyond. probably above you :smiley:

If you are able to lose 23 b ISK, you’re either not a new player or you’ve spent very much RL money into a game you don’t fully understand.
As scams are part of the game, you need to think about counter measures in game. This means to learn the ways and habits before investing big deal.
Rich careless new players are a dream victim for every scammer. Looks like you’re a jackpot.

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Speaking of which not a bad idea to hold ISK reserves on an alt and only have a handful of ISK on hand on your main and just hop to your alt and transfer before you intend to spend more.

Even btter but only possible if you are in your own corp is to have separate corp wallets (or at least one for yourself) and be able to transfer to and from thus no need to switch to an alt and yet still keep your cash on hand low.

(And this way you can easily share your ISK between your alts without having to switch, as long as they are also in the same corp having access to the same corp wallet.)

This way even if you type an additional zero nothing serious will be lost or even nothing at all as you type more than in your personal wallet.