I was scammed for 23B in the game, what should I do

I was scammed for 23B in the game, what should I do

Learn from it and carry on. :wink:


Quit EVE, but before you quit contract all your stuff to me.

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Who did this terrible thing? And how?

Bite your finger nails for about 15 minutes while contemplating your recovery:

Take stock of your assets, dump some high value/volume stuff to get a float going (if your float was part of the 25b).

Start thinking about what you need to do to earn back your 25b.

Contemplate revenge.

Put down the credit card. Slowly back away. Uninstall.


Take it as a learning experience.

Next time you hopefully won’t get scammed!


So you want to know how. So you can learn how to be a better scammer? :smile_cat:

Get revenge.

Spend 5 years playing this game. Subbing. Learning. Growing. Getting richer.

Then, when the scammer least expects it…


…The EVE server shuts down and CCP goes bankrupt, and youve just wasted 5 years.

Seriously though, just learn from your mistakes.

But you should really post some more context as to how you were scammed, and who.


Don’t listen to him man, he’s the scammer, he slipped into an alt to try to concern-troll you out of seeking revenge cos he’s ascared.

A tale as old as time.

Are you sure that this is not a lie?

Based on the amount of salt that was extracted, we will rate this as a fib

Unless your referring towards your Sept failures, then we feel that this is over exaggerated.

The contract sent was originally 2.55b, but in the end, an extra 0 was entered. Then, they chatted with me and I happened to be in a battle. I accepted the contract without carefully checking it

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Crack1ngBanana This is his name

Cracking Banana, Grommet!

Lesson: Never do that. Always pay attention to the contract details before clicking accept.

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Theres your problem.

Even in the real world, the “I didnt read the contract” doesnt usually fly. It flies even less in EVE.

What you should do, is be thankful this didnt happen in the real world and youre not on the hook for several thousands of real world dollars, and learn from this mistake. If it matters to you enough to post about it, then it should matter to you enough to be careful.

We all make mistakes. The important part is that we learn from it and move on.

And yes, Getting revenge is good as well.


This is coming along nicely now let’s know more about what you were doing at the time pls.

Fighting was it?you must continue, please don’t leave us hanging.

Only if you pay 23 bil ISK to @caijiliunian.

:smiling_imp: :wink: :popcorn:

But what if they added extra zeros?

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