⭐ IChooseYou Investment Bank

I can confirm, I have nothing to do with this person… Good business is why I invest, they do good business imho. Like they said, check, but we all do it of our own free will.

If this is still opened I’d like to invest 1 billion isk. I can send this tomorrow if so.

Thank you!
Walter Pryst

Sure. Let me know.

Isk has been sent, please confirm.

Receipt confirmed with thanks.

2b sent

Receipt confirmed with thanks.

6b sent.

Receipt confirmed with thanks.

How exactly do you earn interest with these funds to repay investors?

Are you paying interest to persons former using capital from persons later?

No, not using other people’s isk to pay the interest. Read the announcements section of my discord where I provide evidence of our profitability. Also, see here where we are loaning isk at highter rates for profit: ⭐ IChooseYou Collateralized Loans

Interest for October paid out.

more 1 B sent for investment and I’m happy with October’s interest!

Another 10B sent for investment. Thanks :slight_smile:

Receipt confirmed with thanks.

Receipt confirmed with thanks.

10B sent for investment.

Would like pledge 20B


Thanks. Send isk to IChooseYou in game and confirm here.

@Amun_Nebus Receipt confirmed with thanks.

@Jerry_T_Pepridge No isk appear to have been received on your behalf. Please tell me if this is incorrect.