Ideas to improve new player experience and retention

No :slight_smile: You think I am. That is something different.

  • Missioning
  • Exploration
  • Trading
  • Building
  • Mining
  • Invention
  • Hauling
  • Incursions
  • Invasions
  • Combat sites
  • Spying
  • Scamming
  • Socializing

Oh yes, and then there is pvp :slight_smile: (pretty sure I missed alot of other stuff you can do ingame without saying you are doing pvp).

Sure you can say that by undocking you will be vulnerable for pvp, but by doing pvp you are vulnerable for trading as well, but you will not call yourself a buyer or lootseller for it.

How do you spy on the Guristas?

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Project Discovery is the only true PvE in Eve.


Oh, and buying stuff from the NES.


Seems “pvp” players on the forums are those with too much tears. Only point out there is more to the game and the tears are out. So easy it starts to feel terrible to watch. Probably the only true PvP’ers are ingame having the real fun together with those people that play the game with them their own way (pve or a mix).

Anyway, this topic was a nice read - some good ideas, some good counters and alot of stuff to forget soon :). Hopefully the idea behind the topic (someone showing some ideas how he thinks the game can improve) get through to the powers that be. In one way or the other!

Fly safe or have fun or both :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I agree 100%

Hmmm… pretending to be confused. Where have I read about that tactic before? :thinking:

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Trading is PvP …


:roll_eyes: not much of a gank.

I tend to think it’s both. Both because the “new player” is not of one kind, and because people can enjoy different types of stimulation at the same time.

Did you people know that this is a myth perpetuated in literally every single game out there? I’ve once met such a guy in real life. He’s a neighbour of mine. He suddenly went on a mindless rant about some people sitting at the gates of the town ganking new players and it took him five minutes to calm down.

I asked him to show me these people and he refused.

Tell you what. That’s the same person who constantly talks about how there’s victims who need help and how some people are so poor and need understanding and whatnot. He always posts some political stuff regarding the bad people of “the other party that’s filled with bad people” on facebook.

Then, one time, he came into my shop to buy some stuff. We talked, I was hungry and he said he was going shopping to the supermarket. I asked him if he could pick me up some small thing I would have paid of course, and he seriously said No. He didn’t give a reason. He just said No. He outright refused to help me.

It wouldn’t have added any time, because he would pass by my shop anyway. It wouldn’t have cost him anything, because I would have paid for it. Yet he said No.

And you know why he said No?

Because when it comes to doing things themselves, they expose that they’re all just wannabe good people. Hypocrites who do it for the attention and not because they’re genuine. They never truly care about the fact that they deny those people, they want to pretend to help, any and all dignity. To them someone in a wheelchair is a victim, instead of a person who simply can’t ■■■■■■■ walk. They treat such people with special care, ignoring that such behaviour denys them any and all dignity as human beings.

The “evil gankers” ■■■■■■■■ is a myth. If they were an actual relevant cause for losing new players then CCP would have done something about it already. All those companies out there would be doing something against it in case it really actually was a thing. Anyone denying this is either deliberately lying out of purely irrational hate, or too stupid to think about things logically.

It’s a myth spread by assholes. The alternative is that there’s a conspiracy going on by CCP, and every other company out there, who secretly want gankers to kill everyone and destroy the game from the inside.

OF COURSE some people who kill new players ALWAYS exist, but that doesn’t justify making it sound like it’s an actual epidemic affecting a signifcant portion of people. It ■■■■■■■ doesn’t.

Again: Anyone declaring that evil gankers make people leave the game, while ignoring that it IF it even happens then it MUST be an INSIGNIFICANT amount, is either full of hate or completely deranged from actual reality and logic!

Evidence is the fact that IF they were right, something would be done about it!

You’re welcome!


I’ve just talked to someone who tried EvE for a couple of days then quit, his reason was UI was too complex, I dont know this guy but he saw my logo on my jacket.

I can see this from coming back after a long break, but years of playing off and on was a big help in understanding,

I think a more detail teaching aid in explaining the ins and outs of the UI would go along way.

I think you are making assumptions about the nature of CCP. Do you really think they are logical enough to solve problems that way? Just look at all the other problems Eve has. There are too many to list, and I’m sure you know them well anyway.

As far as ganking scaring people away… not sure if it’s relevant or not. Maybe it used to be relevant when it was more common. Nowadays, not so sure. In either case, I wouldn’t trust CCP to step in and stop the bleeding. (If there is bleeding)

It’s very difficult to draw conclusions from CCP’s actions. They try to remain as opaque as they can.

I honestly think shooting somebody in Hi-sec should give you long suspect flag on top of short criminal flag. Like 24 hours suspect flag, or something more advanced, 1-2 hours more on next timer for every criminal act, capped at week, for example. You want PvP you get PvP.

And why would CONCORD protect well known criminal?


You guys are the actual griefers, hating on a minority that doesn’t play how you like it, while it doesn’t even affect the vast majority of you in the slightest. You’re the most hateful bunch I’ve ever seen and I hope that some day CCP gets rid of you, to make room for people who aren’t intolerant assholes like yourselves.

People who actually understand the value of playing together even if it means against each other.

Tolerating the intolerant, which is you guys, is unacceptable.

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Because they arent the police, as it happens. Lore exists to explain game mechanics, not the other way around.

You should perhaps be more concerned as to why the police, navy and CONCORD dont seem to care about the Triglavian invasion.



You just posted a perfect description of CODE and all the other ‘Just PvP only’ players in the game.


Tell that to the traders who were fighting in 0.01 ISK increments against each other during the black-out. It was plain silly to see 29,134 mjolnir light missiles for 14.00 ISK get ganked by 43,920 for 13.99 ISK :stuck_out_tongue:

Several groups including CODE. and Privateers.
Some of the old Privateers wanted to force a FPS style on those who weren’t into it.

Of course the “apologist” will have a different, recollection. :grinning:

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