I'm so pissed i won't pay i won't pay!

Ok, i wont ■■■■■ to much but i am getting my ass kicked in BS’s moving around in null sec a lot and had it with the Gates the way they work. You always come out most times like 10-15-20km from the gate and real easy to get picked of by interdictors like [Sabre] and there are most times 2 or 3 around a given gate my losses are too heavy for what i gain out there and it pisses me off. Why cant you just pop out of a gate at any range from 10-100km from the gate i dont understand why it never works this way i mean give a guy a fighting chance to make a FREAKING gate i wona go back to the old days with big gate camps and worping in at 10km to race the gate and NO Freaking interdictors it was better game.

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Your stuff, can I have it?


Yea, I want my watermelons to grow already pre-cut.

No prisoners!!
No mercy!!

Caught this early! Getting my chair and popcorn!!

:chair: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Last night I took 2 Barghests and 2 Golems through PF-346 and had no issues.

You’re clearly not doing any due diligence.

Edit: Literally just seen your “old days” comment - what? In the old days I got hammered, if anything it’s gotten easier to slip about in recent years.

If you are looking to get big boats and gear into Null, I can help you - for a price. However, I operate a “Taxi driver heading home” protocol; you have to be going in my general direction or I don’t pick up the fare (Syndicate is my general direction)

Could be worse. They can always just Lancer Dread you on the gate. No interdictor required…

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so, youre mistake and now youre ranting about ?

its 12 km on gates :wink: no need to thank me for these important information

1st ) if you move through nullsec with a bigass battleship then you have to expect to explode within seconds !
2nd ) no, not the most of the time on any gate in nullsec are dictors oO
3rd ) if your loss is to heavy for you then maybe you should not fly your battleship into nullsec ?
4th ) just want to repeat its your fault :wink:

because CCP coded the gate jump for 12km around the gate and not 100 km ! i know its hard to understand if youre only ability is ranting but this time YOU HAVE TO !

CCP is not responsible for any player action … if you think you have to move a BS into nullsec and other ppl killed you, then you have chosen that they can kill you ! you could have make another decision but you wont :slight_smile:

you can create your own game and then you can do whatever you want :wink: but this is CCP´s game and they are doing like they want ! you just need to follow their rules and you can never be a victim, but maybe you like to be a victim ?

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Yeah I’m getting them too… but you can keep the chair though. :blush:



Yep, it’s pretty hard to move battleships through null sec space if hostile interdictors are camping the gates.

What kind of solutions have you tried to come up with for your problem?

  • try other part of null sec that aren’t camped
  • try other sizes of ships (T3Cs with nullifier and Covops cloak can slip through gatecamps easily)
  • try having allies around to help you bust the gatecamps
  • try scouting the gates before you jump
  • try different types of battleships (black ops battleships for example have a jump drive to bypass most gates)
  • try moving during other times of the day

Which ones did you try?

EVE is a pretty nice game that gives us puzzles and it’s up to us to solve them. Or you can get mad and flip the board over and tell everyone you quit. That’s also an option, but then you’re not really playing.

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i agree, bigger ships should spawn further from the gate.

Then they will just park heavy interdictors 75 to 100km off the gate and you’re still screwed…


bumped this to Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums

+1 For the win!

Where? :scream_cat:

The watermelon :watermelon: comment, lol.

I got a watermelon last week and my boo dropped it when we got home so we couldn’t have cuts, we just scooped with spoons.
Yesterday I went to the store and watermelon was brought up. I said "And this time we won’t drop it so we can have cuts. :yum:
No clumsiness!
No scooping!

Because it would be too easy and ‘Easy’ doesn’t describe EVE.


Since when do rage quit threads belong in PF&I?

ill try using a jump drive i haven’t used them yet they wort in the game back when i was playing. i do all the other things you sad but the are hunters in packs of interdictors 2 to 3 with a 2 other ships. Its deadly to me and most times they come after me ratting or trying to rat. Its tuff around here but i got to be in this space. know one is quitting I’m just playing around. I just think it don’t make sense ships dont jump through at random distances from the gate. 12km is just to ■■■■■■!

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