You’re forgetting his new besties and their attempts at… eheh… was it eucalyptus life? No, I’m sure it was something else.
Aldieboo’s standards have either deorbited into the crust or merely been revealed for what they’ve always been.
You’re forgetting his new besties and their attempts at… eheh… was it eucalyptus life? No, I’m sure it was something else.
Aldieboo’s standards have either deorbited into the crust or merely been revealed for what they’ve always been.
Aw, Mikal’s joke fireworks displays in Bosboger was wholly an attempt to get Ushra’khan to fight harder in a losing battle.
He has since seen the error of both relying on empty threats instead of real ones, and the willingness of Ushra’khan to protect Minmatar over killing Amarr with low effort.
Besides, he may just have a touch of the madness himself, but he backs it up with sizeable firepower and redeems himself through tangible service to the House of Sarum and Empire. Not perfect, but good enough for me.
You’re not one to talk on methods anyway, terrorist.
Mikal got really bent out of shape at the idea that somehow, his single astrahus had failed to cleanse the planet of all eukaryotic life.
Whatever revisionist lies you feel like engaging in now, Aldrith, he was very much serious about the idiotic claims he was making. ‘Joke fireworks displays’, indeed.
It’s not not a joke if he wasn’t in on it! Just makes it land better. Unlike the bombs.
People take these things far too seriously.
It has been around a month since the Alpakian Refinery was attacked and destroyed by the Darwinism alliance and from the start of the attack and the weeks following, things were pretty hectic. However, I am very pleased with where are are currently.
After the attack on the refinery, our allied corporation, Brothers of Galactic Freedom Enterprises, moved operations to Nare in high security space and began training new capsuleers and collecting and building resources in the area. Earlier this week they had decided to move in a different direction and left the alliance and is in the process of moving out of the area. The Brothers of Galactic Freedom Enterprises fought gallantly at the battle for the Alpakian Refinery and we all wish them the very best in the future endeavors.
Our alliance grew at an astounding pace leading up to the battle and the numbers were certainly needed. I was impressed with the numbers we were able to form and the willingness and motivation of everyone involved. While we lost the battle, I do not regret the decision to engage as we will continue to fight our enemies with as much ferocity as we did in those fights. The loss is my responsibility to bear, as there were many important decisions that I made, all of which culminated in the destruction of the refinery.
One of those decisions was to not request help from other Amarr alliances. We greatly appreciated the concern, support, and offers to assist and it is really warming to know that we are ready to stand together when needed. I felt at the time that we could handle the conflict ourselves and I still feel that outside involvement may have just delayed the inevitable if we were not able to defend our infrastructure ourselves in this case.
The aftermath of the battle being hectic was less due to the destruction of the refinery and more to do with the organization of the alliance, and the past week since BGFE has left the alliance has brought about some much needed reflection on the past month as well as changes in organization of our alliance. With the lessons learned over the past two months, I believe we are on track to make more progress in the coming months than we have in the past.
On a final note, I would like to extend to all allies of the Amarr Empire, organizations and individuals, an invitation reach out to me and establish a working relationship and communication. We truly are stronger together and I believe we all have something to offer each other, whether it is advice, intel, trade, or military power. I have made it a point reach out more this week and we would be very pleased to receive communications from others.
By her light and her will,
Consul Zeri Shakiel
Alpakian Outpost
Imperial Frontiers
Since the last update, diplomacy and talks with Darwinism following the attack concluded with no agreements or arrangements prevailing. While essentially nothing prevailed, I do appreciate the honesty and time afforded to us in attempting to negotiate something to benefit both sides. I think both sides were up front about what we were willing to do and neither side bent to promises that they might not be able to stand by in their own interests.
With the loss of the manpower brought by Brothers of Galactic Freedom Enterprises now gone, we do not have the strength at the moment to attempt to continue building infrastructure in the way of our own stations, and have continued operations from Khanid Kingdom stations as well as planetary industry operations.
I believe our work in the area against the Blood Raiders has brought positive results and we had engaged them almost daily in the Alpakian and Homroon constellations, however any serious results are expected to take years. It is our full intention to continue that initiative over the next several years and make progress in the Khanid and Aridia regions to reduce the effectiveness in Blood Raider operations and influence.
However, this is not and will not be the only focus of our alliance, and last week several of our capsuleers deployed to Floseswin and the Imperial Frontiers alliance joined the Amarr Militia. Upon our arrival, Floseswin was under siege and as many of your have probably already heard about. It was our pleasure to have been able to help in the defense of Floseswin and regret that there was not more that we could provide.
The resilience of the Amarr Militia and what they have accomplished is truly amazing and we appreciate their service to Amarr. The fight is not over, and we will be assisting where we can in the near future. I am confident that the Amarr Militia will continue the outstanding service to the Amarr Empire going forward as they have in the past.
We hope that our presence in the war zone is beneficial to the Militia during this offensive by the Tribal Liberation Force and will do our best until it is time to return our entire focus back to our operations in Khanid once again.
By her light and her will,
Consul Zeri Shakiel
Floseswin - Yassavi Family Logistic Support
Imperial Frontiers
With a great amount of feelings and emotions on the subject, I am afraid this will be the last update about mine and other faithful capsuleer’s efforts towards an initiative that I set out to bring to fruition over a year ago. Imperial Frontiers will be ceasing operations within the week.
All of this really started before the first update, while I was in PIE. I had just became a capsuleer and I was encouraged and inspired by other great capsuleers within the Amarr Empire to return home and use my ability, resources, and connections to help Khanid Kingdom and the Amarr Empire the best that I could.
It is amazing, and brings me much happiness that the Khanid Kingdom has rejoined the Empire and I am glad to have spent the last year assisting the Khanid Kingdom with fighting the Blood Raider Covenet and disrupting their operations and influence within the Amarr Empire.
I honestly do not know how much of an impact was made, for as you can see if you have followed along in these updates, it has been a rough path. I hope though that the impact was positive and will serve to further the goals of the Amarr Empire. I hope that what we have done gets us closer to what Amarr and its allies are tasked with.
I have certainly wondered if the past year should not have been spent somewhere else to have more of an impact. However, I have no doubt of Amarr’s success if we are to continue to be faithful members of the Amarr Empire, be united in purpose, faithful to God, and do the very best we can with our decisions and abilities. We only need to remember who we serve, our purpose, and be faithful to our cause. In doing this, if we remember that, we will be united.
I especially would like to thank Chapter Master Gaven Lok’ri, without his support and encouragement, none of what we did would have been possible. I would also like to thank Directrix Lunarissa and Khimi Harar for their continued support although it probably seems that for the most part, I stubbornly refused it in an attempt to go it alone. Local is Primary also made generous offers to help as well and I continued to strive to be very independent in our operations.
We deployed a bit over a month ago to the war zone and made it there towards the end of the fighting for Floseswin. Our capsuleers did an outstanding job and I am very happy with their performance. These operations, however will be winding down and coming to a close over the next week. Capsuleers of the Imperial Frontiers, over the next week, will be deciding to go with me on this new chapter, or looking for a new corporation. I wish them all the best.
I am pursuing an opportunity outside the borders of the Amarr Empire which will likely keep me away for the near future, possibly long term. I will be as ever faithful to God, the Amarr Empire and our people and I hope that my efforts will continue to be of service to the Empire.
By her light and her will,
Zeri Shakiel
Imperial Fromtiers
Best of luck with your next endeavours. Do not be so hasty to diminish or doubt your efforts, for even the smallest of actions can lead to great benefits, and those of your organisation are far removed from ‘small’. Many citizens of the Kingdom, I am sure, are thankful for the work put in to assist in pacifying and removing undesirables and dangerous heretics, so take pride and hold your head up high as you and your companions enter the next chapter of your careers.
By His Light and His Will
It has been an absolute pleasure to fly with you. My only regret is not joining you sooner. If you need a character reference on your new adventures then i would be happy to provide one to testify your leadership skills.
((See you in-game mate o7))
You did make a difference for many baseliners in the Khanid Kingdom as well as for the capsuleers under your guidance. You’ve achieved much in little time! I’m sorry that our plans for stronger collaboration in the Kingdom did not come to fruition.
I wish you the best of luck as you start a new journey! Any time you feel like a chat or a little time-out from far away space to enjoy the comforts of the civilized worlds, my door is open for you.
By His Light and His Will, may your future shine bright.
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