Implementation on Hisec FOBs is VERY bad

Its currently an unfair trap for miners of any kind- even tanked procurers with 5 drones. Invincible but harmless looking frigates with battlecruiser damage who also warp jam you is not ok.

a miner sees frigates and launches drones to fight cuz any other frigate is easy prey.

Then they are warp jammed and torn apart.

Either the warp jamming goes, or they change the icons of FOB frigates to something that SCREAMS danger so you wont try to engage thinking you have a chance by yourself.

If this feature was designed to get players to seek aid from other players, the warp jamming bit is completely out of place. let them run and get help.

No luring people in with what looks like easy to kill ships that actually are invincible monsters.

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You could just look at the Agency and see if there is one in your system before undocking. If so, blow it up.


See? You learned already not to shoot the diamond rats!

This isn’t a game for anyone who isn’t risk aware. Mitigating those risks is an essential task.


FOB’s aren’t invisible. they are on dscan. Agency also. The mining fleet is also on dscan. Simply looking at agency will help a lot. FOBs have been in eve for a very long time.

They aren’t that complicated to murder too. Passive tanked rattlesnakes. Or some spider tanked leshaks will get it done.

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Welcome to Eve!


Sucks you had to pay the tritanium price in order to learn about diamond rats, but you have learned something new, and have grown as a player. Of course, if you to prefer to learn from other people’s experiences and mistakes, you can seek out community knowledge by joining a Corp and/or consuming articles, videos, blogs, wikis, classes, and all that good stuff.

And before you start talking about bad game design, games will often distinguish similar enemies of different difficulties by doing things like changing their color, appending prefixes or suffixes to their names, giving them skull icons, and stuff like that. So, the diamond should have been a clue that these rats were different from others you have encountered.

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It only takes a few seconds to check the agency and see if there is a pirate stronghold in the system where you want to mine. In my opinion, situational awareness should be required in all regions of New Eden - including Highsec. The developers have told us a number of times - they want Eve to be “cruel but fair”. If you don’t know about FOBs your first loss is the tuition fee for your education. If you lose another ship because you didn’t check for a FOB in system you have no one to blame but yourself.

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Diamond Rats? They were FRIGATES. same little triangle. they looked identical to things I can kill in 2 seconds with 2-3 T1 drones.

Diamond rats.

Here is the Guristas Kestrel.



Found on Eve Uni:

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