My little sister Kali had such lovely hair before she got a hat.
It used to cover her horrible face.
My little sister Kali had such lovely hair before she got a hat.
It used to cover her horrible face.
Correct game balance in hisec.
Pardon me as I throw-up.
Just like RL perfect, the human race heading for extinction, working as intended.
LeaVe HiSeC ALOnE!
One can dream I suppose
I reckon this planet can hold about 5 billion people, read somewhere recently that scientist think that should be 1.5 billion. I think we’re just under 8 billion at the moment. You can’t keep expanding the population without consequences.
But anyway, time will tell as always.
Seems to be holding plenty fine.
But I agree, no humans = best result for all concerned.
Even for the humans?
Especially for the humans
I’ll be fine, according to the missus I’m a neanderthal.
PI should be an RTS minigame.
You bet ya. It’s all part of the plan.
Found the edgelord
Low hanging fruit today, is it?
Not so far.
Well when you think of something witty, Im sure the gallery will applaud.
Ugh human flesh carries the worst diseases
You just cant cook out the bitter